loved (analogical)

671 19 20

Logan's POV

My eyes start to flutter open, the bright ray of sunshine that creeped out of the curtains almost blinding me. I squinted my eyes, taking in the brightness and the morning scent. I try to reach for my glasses until I realised that somebody was clinging onto my arm tightly. I looked down and upon seeing the sight, Virgil snoring softly with a sly smile on his face, I grinned. His small freckles that scattered around his cheeks and nose popped in the sunlight, his lips colored in a light hue of pink.

He lets go of my arm, nuzzling his head further in my chest while letting out small strings of comfortable sighs. I cooed, running my hand all over his purple hair. He purred in satisfaction, gripping on my torso rather tightly. I chuckled, kissing his head and unwrapped his arms slowly. He didn't even budge a bit, he was still deep in sleep. I continue to gaze at him in awe before grabbing my glasses, exiting the room to make breakfast. I knew that the trait hasn't been getting enough sleep these days so I just decide to give him more time to sleep and not wake him. I walked in to the kitchen, letting out a loud yawn in the process. Patton was already putting the plates on the table, a soft tune of the Pokemon theme song playing in the kitchen.

I flashed him a small smile, "Salutations, Morality." I greeted kindly, helping him out by putting the forks and spoons on the table with a napkin.

"Good morning, Logan!" He chirped happily. I chuckled at the upbeat trait, humming along to the song in the background.

Virgil's POV

(Warning: abuse, violence, panic attacks)

"You don't belong here," Logan growled, seething fire in his eyes as he sends cold glares at my way. "You're a worthless monster, nobody loves you. You know why? Because you're pathetic, all you do is fuck things up." He laughs maniacally, little sparks of fire dancing in his fingertips. I whimpered, tears dripping from my bloodshot red eyes.

"P-please, stop..." I choked out, stepping back in the corner with fear. He lets out a loud cackle, waving his flaming fingers at me.

"Aw, is precious Virgil scared?" He boomed and with one flick, his good and innocent façade broke down, a blast of fire burning all of his clothes away and replaced them with a hot steaming suit and his eyes were now pitch black.

"Don't be afraid, my love, the good part hasn't even started yet," he smirked and before I knew it, I was thrown away across the room. The hard landing knocked off all of my oxygen, leaving me in a coughing mess. My chest was definitely going to bruise, I tried to stand up and run away but I couldn't, a sharp pain was shooting from my ankle as I realised it was twisted. I let out a loud pained cry, screaming for someone to help me.

"Oh just stop, nobody is going to help you. It's just you and me now, baby. Aren't you happy?" He pouts mockingly, blasting fire to my way but, thanks to my quick reflexes, I ducked the ball just in time.

"PLEASE STOP! HELP ME, SOMEONE!" I continued to scream, tears pooling out of my eyes. I bit back the pain, my chapped lips quivering from fear.

The dark persona suddenly growled, appearing in front of Virgil before slapping him. "Nobody will ever love a disorder like you, Virgil." He grinned mischievously, grabbing a hold of my neck, tightening his grasp and choking me.

I try to wiggle out of his grasp but it only made him bellow with laughter, his hold tightening. I try to scream out, but the only sound that came out was a strangled one. This was it, it was the end for Anxiety, for Virgil.





(-end of nightmare-)

Logan's POV

"Logan, what do you call a fish without eyes?" He grinned sheepishly, cracking an egg and putting it on the hot pan. I sighed,

"What is it, Patton?"

"A fsh!" He laughed, slapping his knee. I sighed loudly for the fourth time, face palming myself. Roman, who was silently dreading on the couch, groaned while hitting his head repeatedly with a pillow. (an: mood)

"Aw come on guys, I know you secretly like my puns- wait what was that?" He muttered, looking around baffled. I raised an eyebrow,

"What was what?" Roman questioned. I shrugged, knowing that it was probably just Virgil cursing and groaning because he was cold. A loud strained scream that sounded like bloody murder suddenly echoed around the room, our eyes widening at the same time.

"Virgil!" We said in unison before sprinting to my room, my heart beating so loudly I could basically feel it busting right off of my chest. I swung the door open, and there laid Virgil, screaming and crying out my name.

Patton covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes became glassy at the sight of his son in pain. Roman looked the same, a horrified look on his face.

I quickly ran by Virgil's side, trying to get a grip on his wailing arms.


-to be continued -


Author's note :

I have had this in my drafts for a few days and I originally wanted to continue it but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging and I really wanted to update y'all so here you go! I added a cliffhanger cuz I love seeing you guys suffer ;)

I'll see y'all laterz!


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