preference no. 2 (logicality)

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(This is like the part two of the preference no. 1 thing but with Logan and Patton)

Who's the most clingy one?

Ah, well you see Logan is Thomas' intelligence and uh 'brain' and without him, Thomas would just be pretty much lost. And Patton, well, he just sticks to Logan's side while he works. Logan didn't really mind, he loved being around Patton's presence so it didn't bother him. Although in some days, the puns may be a little bit too much for him but nevertheless he loved every moment they spent together.

Who's the little spoon?

You are probably thinking 'oh it's so obvious, it's Patton duh!' but nope! You are actually wrong, Logan has always been the little spoon. He loved getting cuddled by Patton when he was done with his work, snuggles helped him cope with stress.

Who's the most dominant one?

This is quite hard, you see Patton is the most affectionate (but not dominant) one in the relationship (he's the heart, go figure) but Logan was asexual so they don't really, you know, 'sin' as Virgil calls it. But they do have heated make makeouts in some days but they never take it up to another level.

Who cries during movies?

Most people think of Logan as an emotionless robot but really, he could be really emotional at some stressful times. So it's both.

Who's the most productive one?

Both :D

Who's the most flirty one?

Patton, he just loved making Logan flustered :P

Author's note:

Sorry for the late update, I was busy really busy. Hope you guys enjoyed this! A bit shitty but yah
If y'all have any requests, drop em in the comment section because I have no ideas right now lol

I'll see y'all laterz ✌


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