I'm sorry (prinxiety)

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//WARNING: angsty,
get your tissues ready lol//

Virgil's POV

"Really Virgil?! That was a once in a life time chance! And what did you do?! You ruined it!" Roman accused, raising his voice at the other trait. Virgil scoffed, crossing his arms as if to hide the pang of hurt in his chest. He leans his back on the beige wall, suddenly feeling all eyes on him.

"Oh grow up, Princey. You know if he does audition, he'll still mess it up and embarrass himself in front of the judges. Believe me, I helped." He retorted in a slightly sarcastic tone. Roman was furious, he approached him in a such distinctive and intimidating way that he actually made the trait...scared.

"No, Anxiety. You grow the fuck up! All you do is mess everything up, do you actually think that we need you here?! We were doing just fine until you showed up! You're a disorder, a monster! You don't belong here," Roman spat with such outrage, his fists were clenched and his eyes were filled with hatred. He glared daggers at the smaller trait, who's eyes were filled with unshed burning tears.

"Roman! You do not use foul words to other traits! He is most certainly not a monster nor a disorder!" Patton scolded, ready to defend him. Logan on he other side only looked over to him with pity and lost for words,

He felt all of the color drain from his face, he felt small under the prince's gaze. He opens his mouth to utter a word, but nothing came out of his quivering lips. A tear or two rolled down his cheek, and that's how Princey knew he went a little bit too far.

"No wait Virgil I didn't mean-" The fanciful side tries apologise until the other side cut him off, shaking his head, looking down ashamed.

"I never a-actually thought t-that's what you all t-thought about me, a disorder. I'll j-just leave and m-make your lives e-easier then," he stutters and slightly pushed the prince away, sprinting back to his room. As soon as he arrived there, he broke down and let the warm tears flow out of his burning eyes.

He was beyond hurt, he wanted to end it all.

After all, he was just a disorder.

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