Chapter 16 : suspension

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By the time a week passed, the bullying only got worse. In a weeks time I heard all I could hear.

"Bitch. Slut. Whore. Anorexic. Ugly. Mistake. Disappointment. Nasty. Emo. Gothic. Devil worshiper. Bisexual."

I had enough.

"Hey Alx." Carly stopped us in the parking lot. "What's your plans for the weekend?"

"Probably hanging with-"

"We would invite you to a party, but you would drag 'that' around." Cameron rolled her eyes.

"Just stop." Alx glanced at me.

"What are you going to do about it?" Carlos asked.

"We could always fight it out." Cole said from the other side of Alx's car.

"What was that chunky?" Carlos laughed.

"I said," Cole walked over to where Alx was standing. "We could fight it out."

"Do you even know how to fight?"

"Yes, actually." Cole smiled.

"Bring it then, chunky." Carlos laughed.

"Alx?" Cole shrugged.

"No way man." Alx shook his head.

"That's your girlfriend, dude." Cole said, disappointed. "She hates me for some reason and I'm taking up for her."

"Are we gonna do this or not?" Carlos groaned.

"Just shut up and give me a minute okay?" Cole barely turned around.

"What was that chunky?" Carlos raised his eyebrows. "Or should I say chubby?"

"Pudgy maybe?" Carly laughed.

"No, no!" Cameron laughed. "Tubby."

"I thought you girls liked him. You were all hugged up on him a while back. " I jumped in.

"Just to get to Alx." Cole shrugged, looking hurt. "No big."

I don't know what came over me but all of a sudden, I pounced on top of Carly and threw punches left and right.

"Woah." Cole pulled me up.

"Dude, why?" I asked, angry.

"I don't want you getting the blame for this." Cole finally let go of my arm.

"What's going on?" it was Jackson.

"That freak punched me." Carly was holding her jaw.

"She deserved it." I shrugged as Jackson turned his attention towards me.

"No she didn't." Carlos shook his head.

"What did she do now?" Josh jogged over to us, Jeremiah behind him.

"She's starting drama." Cameron pouted. "We haven't done a thing to her, and she's turning everyone against us."

"Wow, sis. You're pathetic." Josh waved his arms around.

"I did no such thing. They're bullying me."

"Poor baby."

"I would say cut yourself, but you've obviously done that enough." Carly snickered.

"That was a good one." Josh began laughing.


Josh hit the concrete with a thud.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." Cole mumbled, shaking his hand.

"No worries." I shrugged. "He deserved it."

"Cole, look out!"


Carlos punched Cole as hard as he could, knocking him down.

The next thing I knew, Cole and Jackson were fighting strong on Carlos. Alx was after Josh and that left me dealing with Carly and Cameron.

By the time Mrs. Gates stopped us, I say Cole won, so did Jackson, and so did I. Alx however, had his face planted on the concrete.

"What is going on?" Mrs. Gates shouted. "This is a school, not a wrestling match."

"Megan started it!" Carly shouted, holding the back of her neck.

"Well, I'm finishing it." Mrs. Gates smiled. "Carly, Megan, Jackson, Cole, and Josh are all suspended."

"What?" I yelled.

"Call your parents." Mrs. Gates headed for the door. "Now!"

Now I was ready to deal with the worst.


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