Chapter 6: Alx

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The next day there was no sign of Jackson anywhere.

"Alicia!" I stopped her in the hall before Spanish.

"Yes?" She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulders.

"Where's Jackson?"

"No idea. He sent me a text saying he might be at school today."

"I'm worried." I shook my head.


"No reason.." I shrugged about to turn around.

"No," She grabbed my arm. "Tell me."

"Well, Jackson didn't say anything to me last night. When he dropped me off, I turned around before entering my house and he was sitting in his car, crying." I kept staring at my converse.

"You didn't see what was wrong?"

"I was hurrying to his car but he backed out and drove away."

"Have you called him?"

"Tried three times. Texted him twice." I felt my eyes water. "Does he hate me?"

"I'm sure hee doesn't." She smiled. "Before you came over yesterday he wouldn't shut up about you."

"Really?" I smiled. "Does he.."

"No, he doesn;t like you like that."

"How do you know?" I said with a little bit of attitude.

"Because.." the bell rung. "i can't talk about it. I'm sure he'll tell you at some point."

I walked into Spanish and took my seat.

"Hey." Alx nudged me.

"Hey there." I tried to smile.

"You okay?" He asked polietly.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"I know what will make you feel better." He smiled.

"What's that?"

"Come over today." He shrugged.


"Meet me in the parking lot after school." He smiled brushing his hand past mine on the table.

"Wh's going to be there?" I asked lefiting ana eyebrow.

" Me, my sister and brother."


"Quit talking!" the teacher yelled.

"Don;t bring Jackson." He whispered. "Don't bring anyone."

"Why not, he's not here and he's my fri-"

"Just don't!"

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