Eyeless Jack Part Two

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((((Omg he's watching over me

I wake up, trying to pull myself up from the bed I was laying on. I couldn't get up. I looked down to see that I was only in my underwear. I got scared for a second till I saw the handcuffs. I was handcuffed to the bed. I looked around the room, seeing if I could find something interesting. The room was black. The walls and floor at least. The bed and the other weird stuff in the room matched the wallpapers and floor with a dark red. I cringe when I see that this guy tried doing a fifty shades of grey. I try to facepalm as good as I could.

A guy walks in, he had a blue mask. It ran black liquid from the eyes of the mask and he wore black clothes. He walked closer to me to see if I was "awake".
"Hello there," he said with probably a smirk on his face pleased with what he had captured I guess...
I look at him and didn't say anything.
"Ready?!" He said I could hear on his voice that he was getting angry because I wasn't talking. I face palmed again and looked at him.
"Fifty shades of gray? Really?" I said and started to laugh.
"Shut the fuck up, now you're gonna pay.." He said and walked closer to me. He went on top of the bed.
"Wait.." He said and walked over to a stereo.
'I'm taking back the crown!'
"Ah, shit!!!!" He said and turned it off immediately. I rolled my eyes, he could've just had that song on. It's amazing.
I went over to me again and went over me for the second time in like 5 Minutes. I look at him and starts to laugh.
"What?" He asked probably making a confused face under the mask.
"You" I laugh even harder and he goes up and gets something. When I see what it is I roll my eyes. He pressed (not gently) down a cloth down my throat. I start to choke and he starts laughing.
"Who's laughing now?" He takes off my panties and probably smirk after it cuz I think he's pretty pleased that he finally got laid. I hear someone laugh in my head.
He takes off his pants and underwear to show his small d1ck. I hear laughing inside of my head again. (Damn Slender)
He showed it in moaning while I was rolling my eyes. He went harder and faster. In and out. Was the only thing I could think of so I didn't get bored. I yawned and E.J went harder. He moaned the loudest he could when he came.
"Shut the hell up dude!" I heard a raspy voice yell and I started to laugh.

(I will make another E.J lemon don't worry (; )

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