Ticci Toby part 2

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(Different story than the first one, not like the other ones just one new story in a new world XD)

I run out into the woods crying. I hate my life so much! I just got to know from my MOM that my SISTER slept with my BOYFRIEND!! Then after that dad left us for another woman and of course my sister had to say something to make mom even more upset than she already was. After that my boyfriend calls me, acts like normal but after I dump his ugly ass he called my sister, asking her out. She says yes of course and then he comes over and they fuck in the room next to mine, fucking loud!
After that my sister takes my computer and breaking it "for breaking her boyfriends heart" and after that, I just ran out here. As I said, I hate my life so much!
"You Okay?" I hear a voice behind me. I look back to see a tall handsome teen, around my age standing against a tree.
"No.. my life sucks.." I say and tell him what happened today.
"Damn.." He says. He takes my hand and walks over to a cabin. He looks back at me and smiles. I smile back and fix my short/long/medium hair from what t was before.
He slowly walks over to me and leans in.
I lean back. I know I know. I shouldn't kiss a stranger, but it felt right. We kiss and he hugs me. I hug back and cry into his shirt.
"It's gonna be okay, I'm here now," he says in a calm voice and he was right.

-One Month Later-

I've known Toby, yes his name is Toby. For one month now and it has been fantastic. We went out on one date and we then went home to my house were I showed mom Toby. She loved him! I'm allowed to date him for mom and dad! Even though I only talk to him one time in two weeks, if you know what I mean. My sister, of course, is jealous because she thought she already ruined my life. I know sisters are supposed to love each other but really. You don't wanna love her... 

Toby sat and cuddled while watching 'Cult Of Chucky'. Mom and my sister were going to Paris for one week. I didn't want to go with them for two reasons.

I LOVE Toby!
And my sister was going to be there with her boyfriend, not my ex.. she dumped his ass after they fucked. What a fucking slut right?
The movie was over and I was laying on my back with Toby over me. We kissed and he took my dress off and his clothes. We took my panties and his underwear off and looked up to me.
"You sure you wanna do this?" He asked being his sweet self.
"Yeah, I'm sure" he puts his d1ck inside of me and slowly starts to thrust. He doesn't go too slow or fast. After a while, he starts to thrust faster and harder and I moaned. He kisses me while thrusting into me and we both enjoyed the moment. He went faster and I moaned louder and it went on and on and on till we both came. He stands up about to take his clothes on while I go down on my knees and starts to suck on his d1ck. He surprisingly moans from the pleasure and I go faster. He finally came and I stood up and we both take our clothes on. We kiss one last time before we both fall asleep.

"Aww how cute"
"What the fuck Jeff?"
"What Ben?"
"I don't know, you got this recorded right?"
"Yeah, should we name it Toby's first time lol!"
"It wasn't his first-time Jeff.."
"I know.."

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