Sexual OffenderMan [part two]

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I watched Fifty Shades Of Grey. Lol help me.

I slowly wake up when I'm tied to a chair. I look down to see that I'm also naked.
I blush with embarrassment and true to look for an escape but don't find any way to escape.

I look at my feet near crying when I hear a door open.
I look up to see the same man that got me her standing there.
"Call me Offender. You're gonna need something to scream later" he said slowly walking towards me.
"Why would I want to scream your shitty name when I just can scream Slender?" I smirked looking at him. (#savage)
He teleported behind me touching my shoulder. I shivered.
The feel of his touch made me gag.
Does he ever shower? I chuckled at the thought and smirked.
I just feel savage...

He slapped the back of my head.
Which knocked me out..

I woke up laying at a cold table. And I couldn't move. I sighed and tried to sleep when I felt someone touching me... down there. I opened my eyes to see him on top of me with his hand down at my womanhood. I held my moan in cuz it felt kind of good. I looked at him when he pressed his cold "lips" on my mouth. I felt a feeling inside of me just wanting to kiss back so I did...
He took his pants and boxers off and showed his huge member inside of me.
The feeling made me enjoy it.
I moaned and he took it as a good "answer" for him to go harder and faster.
I still just moaned.
"Slender.." I giggled to annoy him and it worked cuz he slammed as hard as he could. I screamed and moaned at the same time. I slowly felt something in my stomach and moaned louder.
He went faster every louder moan I made. And I slowly after came. Some seconds after he came too and he slowed down.
He stood up and took his pants and boxers on and walked out of the room.
I still laid there panting when the lights turned off. I took the moment to try to sleep when I got the thought of this every day. I need to have a good sleep for that again.
I chuckled and went to sleep on the cold table.

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