Sexual OffenderMan [part one]

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This wasn't requested but I just wanted to do one! I'm doing two parts cuz I'm lazy!

I sat with my computer watching YouTube. I watched these funny skits about Slenderman they're pretty funny.
I look around when I feel the feeling of behind watched but I slowly get into the video again and forgets about the feeling.

After thirty minutes I feel something on my back. I look around to see nothing. But when I look at my computer again I see this tall ass man standing in front of me. I look at him.
He wears a coat (sorry if I'm wrong!) and no shirt under it just a tie.
He wears a pair of black pants, black shoes and a black hat.
He has no face just a mouth and he has many tentacles on his back.
He takes a rose from his pocket and holds it up to me.
"Want a rose?" I blushed and slowly nodded and took the rose not thinking anything will happen when he suddenly grabs me and teleport to a room I don't recognize. I slowly black out like I'm being drugged.

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