Chapter 42

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        The auditions are finally done. We narrowed it down to 10 casts but none of them deserved to be in Victoria Newman's place. This is very stressful.

        "Okay, how come no one's good enough for Victoria's part? What is she again?" Morgan asks,scrambling some papers in his hands. "Describe Victoria...physically...and mentally?" he added. Who is Victoria Newman?

        "She's not perfect, she's got to be gorgeous but in a sexless kind of way, A brunette, if possible. She's got a smile that every boy likes. She's strong, Victoria is a strong woman. But there are times that she breaks down,well... lots of time she had done it. What else? Uhh-yeah... I want Victoria to look at Elliot like she's really fascinated by him" I finished off, both are looking at me like they already have a bright idea.

        "Why are you looking at me like that? It's freaking me out" I frantically asked them. Ben just chuckled while Morgan's still observing me...

        "You know you just described herself? Why don't you just play Victoria's part? I mean... you can pull it off. It's your story" Morgan smiles as he explains. While I was out of my mind, probably shocked with the sudden decision.

        "I want the Tomlinson guy to play Elliot Clough's part" Ben declared. What? That jerk? No... Never. He'll ruin it, and that's for sure. "No...not him, I kinda like stutter know? the one who 'almost' hit on Eleanor" Morgan chirped. I just glared at him, but I'm really blushing, I'm trying to fight the feeling.

        "Oh yeah... dark and mysterious Elliot Clough" Ben emphasizing every word that he says. I kinda smile as they talk about Zayn, that's his name. and as they talk about him they looked at me while I was completely out of myself.

        "Okay... Go call your curly friend" Ben instructed. "You're trying to get rid of me? My goodness gracious Ben. I'm very apalled." I act like I am really disappointed,making Ben and Morgan giggle like gradeschoolers. Gays. 

        "See? You can act. See you next month for the camp." Ben says before he switched off all the light. "Camp?What camp?" I frantically asked, since no one ever informed me about this camp, not until now.

        "Ahh, just prepare for a month for the camp... We still have to finalize everything before we start an acting camp not a fat camp...Go back to Cheshire, spend a whole month with your friends and family before we finally snatch you out of their lives." Morgan says. While patting my back. I smiled at them, before I bid a goodbye.

        I sat on the passenger seat with Harry, still amused with Zayn and his amazing voice,not just that but he's also the definition of cute and sexy, the way he stuttered while telling us the title of the song, makes him more adorable. I laughed to myself, causing Harry to look at me very weirdly. I am still reminscing even though it just happened earlier, how can I even forget his face? It's perfect. He's perfect.

        "Okay, stop smiling. Care to share it to me?" he huffs. I just stuck my tongue out as an answer, even though he's my bestfriend,I will never tell him that I am actually wishing for Zayn to be the leading man of this movie, and with that, maybe I'll play VIctoria Newman's part... Maybe. Because if not, the ballet dancer Danielle Peazer will play the part.

        Not that I don't like her, but I think she's not good enough to be Zayn's leading lady, if ever Ben and Morgan decided that Zayn will be... it

        I never realized that we're already in Cheshire, just a few minutes more before we can even reach Holmes Chapel. I enjoyed my ride, as always, whenever Harry's there, you'll definitely enjoy it with all his lame knock knock jokes and puns. "Hey, you know that Louis guy? He's really really nice. He texted me awhile ago to drive safe and he wanted to see us soon" he says, while I laugh at him.

        "Ugh, why do you like that guy? I think he's obnoxious. Sorry" I blurted out, but then realized I'm being so judgemental. "Hey, he's nice. He's a good company, and his jokes are not lame. Even Niall laughs at his joke. You'll like him, once you get to know him better" he replies. I just smiled at him, trying to avoid our conversation about Louis. I don't know why but something about that guy makes me want to rip my head off.

        Okay, now I'm being too judgemental. "So you talked to other people who went for the audition?" I asked. "Yeah. Just a few, but I got really close to Niall and Louis they're great lads. We even exchanged numbers." he answers. "Good for you getting close to Niall and Louis. I mean we'll definitely get you three and Payne,Liam." I say.

        "Oh, should I tell them? i'm so excited!" he chirps. "Don't get too excited.please. And we're still not sure on what part you're gonna get. But it'll be good, and it's not a major blockbuster movie Harry" I muttered,fixing my hair as I see the sign Welcome to Holmes Chapel . I don't want my mum to see me looking like this because for sure she'll criticize me for my looks again.

        "Pitch Perfect's just a low budget movie, Twilight's a low budget movie. But look where they are now, they reached the top. You're such a pessimist sometimes." he bellowed. "Well,fine.But I still don't want to get my hopes up in this one. And yeah I'm a pessimist, try living with my mum. For sure you'll always be negative at everything. Good thing I am bestfriends with the ladies man Styles" I teased.

        I turned the volume up as I heard the Girls by the 1975. my current favourite song along with Little Mix's Move but unfortunately, we're already here at our garage. unlucky me.

        "See you tomorrow?" he asked. I guess. I'm officially unemployed and got nothing to do except to drop off and pick up Aidan. Maybe run some errands. I don't know.

        "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." I said, before I took my keys off his hands and went inside the house, seeing Aidan and Dad at the living room. "Hey dad, where's mum?" I asked while looking for her.

        "Oh...She went somewhere with Charlie." he says not even trying to look at me because he's watching a football match at the television. Ugh, Might as well text Harry again. Got nothing to do in this house, I feel like I've been living with ghosts.

        But then, I realized he's going to spend dinner with his whole family, I don't want to interrupt him in that. I just marched my way upstairs, closing my door and opened my journal. I haven't written a new entry for weeks.

        Just finished my tiring day... It's a relief in someways that I'm back in Cheshire but I'm gonna have a break for a month before I start working for the project again. Got nothing better to do :< except to run some errands that my mum will tell me. I have a sad life, right?

        Anyways, I saw this awesome guy his name is Zayn, and I can't believe I giggled infront of him. But he stuttered infront of me so... got nothing to lose ^^ and Harry's been with this conceited Louis. who I believe is gay. But I think Harry likes him, not in a homosexual way but he likes him like a friend of course. And why I'm saying mean thing about Louis is because I'm jealous. He's my bestfriend and I know for sure that Louis will steal him away from me. I don't want that to happen. Nobody wants that to happen. (Except for Louis of course)

        This house never felt like home. I just rant that for like a gazillion times, why do  I feel like I'm left out? All the time. Well, sometimes we left Charlotte out (just me and Aidan) but we're doing that because she's a brat who doesn't know how to have fun... Such a miss goody two shoes.

        Okay, going back to Zayn, I just want him to play Elliot Clough's part. just him, it suits him... no, it's perfect. he's perfect. He looks like a rugged Andrew Garfield,wait,he's much hotter than Andrew.I swear my panties fell off when I saw him.

        I'm tired, and I need to rest. Haaay, see you in my dreams Zayn

                                                                                                                                        -Calder E.J

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