Chapter 15

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Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow....

Only know you love her when you let her go.


It's been very gloomy,and the cold's not helping me.

I saw Zayn and Perrie at the city centre yesterday,with their family.eating at Vanelli's,one of Zayn and I's favorite restaurant.He was smiling,he's happy.and here I am,hiding behind a plant.I was supposed to be eating there,too.

But they were there first,so I guess I have to give way...But then,I still have to walk past Vanelli' there's still 90% that they will see me.

"is that Eleanor?" Zayn's mom,Trisha told everyone on the table,loud enough for me to hear it. I looked at them as if I didn't know they were in there.Zayn looks at me,obviously with a shock on his face. "H-hi, are you?" he asked. I can't help but to smile,his awkwardness made him more adorable.

"come join us!" Perrie invited me to come with them,I have been very good at this pretending thing but the last thing that I want to do is to sit on a table with them,with their mothers.

"oh,no thank you.I was just passing through,I was supposed to eat here but then I realized I have some things to do" I told them,my voice was stern and I'm posing on for a more serious look,but in a nice way.

"no,I insist,and you're all alone,why is that?" Zayn's mother asked. I just smiled in response,I sat beside Waliyha,Zayn's sister.and I was sat infront of Zayn,unfortunately.

"Debbie,this is Louis' girlfriend,Eleanor...El,this is Perrie's mum,Debbie" Zayn introduced me to Debbie,it was awkward for me to sit with them but I tried my best to act like I'm very thankful that I'm here with them.

Perrie's looking at me every second,checking if I'm looking at his 'fiance'

"So....where are you going after this?" Zayn asked coolly,as if we don't have a past.As if he didn't broke my heart.

"I actually don't even know why I'm here" I laughed,a nervous laughter,they're all looking at me like they pity me for being alone in this big city centre.

"Come with us,we're going love Topshop,right?" Perrie said,she's obviously doing this on purpose to hurt me,maybe?

"Sorry...I only shop there when I'm with my boyfriend" I said laughing and flipping my hair.I emphasized the word boyfriend and I hope she gets what I want to say.

We went silent for a while before Trisha asks me questions about Louis and our relationship.Of course,I had to pretend that I'm really going out with Louis...In my mind,I think that I'm talking about Zayn and not Louis,all our happy moments together,those crazy times when we have to sneak out at night just for us to have a date.

"Wow...Zayn and Louis are the same when it comes to dating,huh?" Zayn's eldest sister said.and she looked at me,does she know something about us?

"Y-yeah,I guess they have the same tac tics"

Doniya excused herself,and she went to the bathroom,but before that,she told me to come with her.And I don't know why she wants me to come with her.

I acted like I'm not nervous,I excused myself as well before I went after her. She looks so serious and I don't think that going after her is a good idea,Zayn looked at me before I left.

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