Chapter 6

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AUGUST (This is Us Premier)


"I'm so excited,aren't you excited Lots?" I asked one of Louis' sister who's with me as well as the rest of his family.

"This is like my first time walking on the red carpet! I feel like I'm a celebrity!" she shrieked and Jay and I laughed at her.

"Well,techniacally we are celebrities...Now let me do your hair,we only have a limited time" I told her and she sat at the chair infront of me,where Fizzy sat.


When we reached Leicester Square,there are loads of fans screaming and paparazzis,too.

"I'm fucking nervous" Lottie muttered. Jay glared at her,as well as Dan. "Language Lots,Pheebs and Daisy are here" I told her and she apologized to everyone.

We all came out of the van and the paparazzi's attention were on us, Louis' not here so you can now f*ck off. Poor Phoebe and Daisy,they're not used to this kind of environment,yet.

I held Phoebe and Lottie's hand so they'll follow me and they sould never be lost or else, Louis will kill me!

It irritates me when fans asks about Larry and screaming in my face that Larry's real,Elounor's not. I know that Elounor is real but Larry's not fucking real,they have to get over it. It's not gonna happen, never in a million years.

I spotted Louis and we approached him,he kissed me on my cheeks earning an 'awwwwe' from the fans that saw us, we followed Louis while we're holding each other's hands...

There he is...

He looks so perfect standing there, smiling, getting all goofy with Harry. He spotted me and he waved at me, as well as Harry and both of them approached us.

"I missed you" Zayn whispered while hugging me and I laughed but Louis glared at us. We're getting all sweet and infront of thousands of people.

Harry hugged me then, longer than Zayn's hug so people will know that nothing's going on between us, and Harry and I are okay...

"both of them are asshole" he whispered and I laughed again and people around us glared this time, and Zayn also.

"We better get going. We just checked if you're okay,well you're okay so we better go now" Zayn said then I nodded,hiding the smile on my face.

Louis looked at me weirdly before he can read me... His look soften... "Yeah you can smile now,you're blushing already babe" he said before I  can squeal. People around us 'aweeeed' again. and we both looked at each other.

We were interviewed by some reporters... Well it was Louis, I'm just smiling at them and not talking.

That's one of the Seven wonders of One Direction, the voice of Eleanor Calder (That's me). Only a few fans had a chance to hear my very lovely voice. Real lovely.

I saw Zayn and Perrie together,beside Trisha,Zayn's mother.

I just smiled,hiding my frown.

They were being interviewed by some journalists,as well. and they're laughing,and touching each other.

and to be honest? I want to stab Perrie for doing that,but it's their job,who am I to stop them from doing their job,right?

"Louis can we walk there?" I asked Louis and he nodded,he knows why I  want to go there. and of course,as a friend,he'll do what I want if it's not much of a burden.

I kept on eavesdropping on their conversation...

"So is that what I think it is?" -interviewer

"Well,yeah it is" - Perrie pointing to the ring on her finger

"Wow!Congratulations then!" -interviewer

I looked at Zayn,I never took away my glare not until he notices it. Engaged? They're engaged?! Is he mad?! Why would he do that?

He proposed to Perrie,not to me. Is it also part of the contract that you should PROPOSE to your fake girlfriend?

"El,we better go now" Louis said dragging me away from Zayn and Perrie. I'm about to cry and he's hiding me because he knows me too well.

We walked to the different path,or the shorter way going to the theater. He's also pissed off and some paps are taking pictures of us. He hates it especially when we're having trouble and paps are taking pictures. It's infuriating.

When we got inside the theater, I asked Louis if he knows about this engagement thing, he told me that he's against it and even snapped at their Managament.

"But why did he do it then? If he doesn't want it? Can't he fight for us?" I asked,there are so many questions in my mind. and I might explode,I should be happy because we're here for their first ever movie...

But then,Zerrie engagement happened,out of nowhere,Zayn and Perrie are engaged?! What the hell was he thinking? My broken heart was again broken into pieces and I don't think I can even fix this anymore. Everything's hurting.

No one can understand this,of course,except Zayn.But now?Can he understand how hard it is for me to keep up with all the crap that we have now? Can he understand how painful it is for me to absorb the fact that I'm just a secret that he keeps?

"El,please don't cry. Not here... People will see you and they will ask you why are you crying" Louis pleaded and I just wiped my tears.

"I won't cry,I promise" I told him,reassured him that I won't spoil this evening for him.


The movie ended,and all of us were wearing a big smile on our face. We're so satisfied with the movie.

"It was great right?" Harry asked me while we're walking down the red carpet again.

"Yes,Harry,you know what's my favorite part in the movie?When Liam pulled your trousers!That was the best!" I teased him and he pulled his tongue out.

"Yeah,Harry it was the best you big fat asshole" Louis said and he smacked Louis' head.

I can't keep up with them too sometimes.

We went to the after party,Well,Louis and Harry made me come to the party by kidnapping me.Dragging me inside the van and kept on tickling me until I surrender.

Glad that Perrie is not here.

I don't want to hate her,but she's really really irritating and I don't want to hate on someone. Especially when that person has done nothing but be kind towards you.


Zerrie engagement made me hate Perrie a little bit. Seriously though.

I cried whilst taking a bath earlier because I know that I won't have a chance to buy a ticket on the 25th of May,2 days after they start selling the concert tickets. :( sigh. I won't have a chance to see them,and I know this will be the only chance and I already blew it! I hate this kind'o situation.I gave all my time for nothing. :(

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