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[ Genji's POV  ]

I watch Lena drive off with Hana while I wait for Jack to give orders to the rest of the officers who's arrived at our call. The suspect screaming in the back seat of the police car as I look down at the tablet in front of me. I punch in a few descriptions of her arrest and hand the tablet over to one of the cadets on the scene. 

"Make sure to file her case into the system and then go home." I say as the cadet nods their head and hops into the police car, driving the suspect back to the office for further questioning.

As everyone slowly disperses I wait for Jack in the car. Jack finishes up his conversation with another Chief and walks over. Jack slides into the passenger seat and slams the door with a deep sigh. His hand covering his face as I look at him from the corner of my eye. 

"Case closed, bud." I whisper. Jack nods his head. He runs his fingers through his hair out of habit and leans back in the seat. 

"At least she's caught now." Jack mumbles out as I silently listen to him. The conversation short as I hear him groan under his breath. He turns to look at me as I look at him. I wait for him to speak as he sighs again. 

"Who does she think she is?" Jack complains and I assume the 'she' is Hana. 

"You mean Hana?" I correct him as Jack rolls his eyes. 

"Why is she so stupid? Who in their right mind thinks they can take down a murderer alone?" 

I shrug as I listen to him. The annoyance in his face makes me chuckle quietly. 

"Looks like someone's gotten you all flustered." I jab at him as he glares at me. 

"We could've lost a teammate, Genji." His voice serious as I nod my head slowly. "And it would've been our fault like you said." 

Jack lets out another sigh. 

How many sighs is he up to now?

"She reminds me of you." I say to Jack. Jack looks at me annoyed but he doesn't retaliate. "I'm right, aren't I?" I slightly grin at him which makes him shove my arm. 

"Take me home. I need some rest after tonight's events." Jack demands. I only nod to his request.

"Yes, Chief Morrison." I joke as Jack growls under his breath. I try my best to lighten the mood as the thoughts of Hana replays in my mind. 

If I wasn't nearby to see the events unravel...Hana would've been dead. 

My eyes travel to my hands on the steering wheel. I remember how my hands trembled when I threatened that woman.

I haven't been that nervous since my first case.


[ Hana POV ]

  "What's your last words sweetie?"  

The sound of the gun shot rings in my dream as I jolt up from my bed. I'm completely covered in sweat as my heart races uncontrollably. Gently I press my hand on where the coldness of the gun touched. With everything I can muster I try to calm my heart. 

Fucking nightmare.

Glancing at my watch the time reads 4:23AM. 

I have at least 30 minutes or so before my alarm goes off. 

Lifting my blanket off, I try to get out of bed. My legs feel like a thousand bricks. I didn't realize how scared I am as goosebumps cover my arms and my breathing is rough. 

[Discontinued] Unexpected & Forbidden || D.va x GenjiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt