🌸 05

465 11 3

Sitting at my desk I look over my emails. The morning meeting has yet to start.

Ugh, why is there so much junk mail?

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a loud thud to my left.

Lena looks extremely pale with dark bags under her eyes. She weakly says good morning to me.

Placing my phone down I turn my attention to her. "What happened to you?" I ask Lena, stroking her back as she rests her head on her desk.

Lena groans at my question. "Why did I take so many shots? And why did no one stop me...I spent the entire night by the toilet throwing up." She whines. I can only shake my head at her.

"Technically, I tried to stop you. But you only snatched the shots back from me."

Lena whines louder and I try not to giggle at her weak state.

"This hangover is killer." Lena mopes as Jack and Genji enters the office.

"Good morning, cadets." Jack greets us with a wide smile. His expression a bit forced as I see tiny dark circles under his eyes.

Did he not get any sleep?

My eyes travel to Genji who's oddly wearing sunglasses inside the building. Genji simply nods as the vibe from the cadets is full of exhaustion with a few groans coming from the corner of the office.

Jack writes on the white board as usual and everyone goes off to their tasks. The only difference today is their movements are slightly slower.

Looking at my name I notice Jacks name beside mine. Gently patting Lena on the back I walk towards Jacks office.

I quietly knock on his door and wait for his response.

"Come in." Jack says. Opening the door I enter his office. I then notice Genji laying down on the sofa but quickly ignore him as I sit down in front of Jack.

"What am I doing today, Chief?" I whisper to Jack to not wake Genji. Jack pinches the bridge of his nose as he looks away from the computer. His tired eyes rest on me.

"Do you mind getting me some coff-" Jack stops mid sentence as I raise an eyebrow. "Actually, let's go out for a bit. I need some fresh air."

"A-Already?" I stammer when Jack gets up from his chair and walks towards the door.

Is he okay? Maybe I should take him to the rooftop. Going there always relieves my stress.

Jack walks out of the office and towards the elevator. I quietly follow behind him.

"Where should we go..." Jack mumbles under his breath when we enter the elevator. His mind seems distracted so I take advantage of the time to press the button to the rooftop.

Jack looks at me curiously. "The rooftop?"

"You'll love the view up there." I say with a small smile. Jack then nods his head.

"Okay." Is his only word.

The two of us exit the elevator and I open the door to the rooftop. Jack walks out first as I follow behind him. The morning breeze tickling our faces and the sun slowly rises from the blue hue of the city.

[Discontinued] Unexpected & Forbidden || D.va x GenjiWhere stories live. Discover now