🌸 02

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The sunset shines through the windows as I run my fingers through my auburn hair. My eyes scanning the last few papers on the desk.

I've definitely put in overtime today.

As I'm filing the last few documents away I hear the door creak open quietly.

I didn't think anything of it as I busy myself.

"Oh. You're still here cadet?" The voice snaps me out of my busy hands as I look up to a pair of blue eyes.

"O-Oh, Chief Morrison." I stutter out as I give a slight bow to him. "I'm almost done here so I'll be out of your way." I stammer out as I fumble through the last few files and sort them quickly away. Jack doesn't say a word as he watches me fumble around.

He walks down one of the aisles and scans through some binders. The quietness eating at me as I try to hurry up.

"Genji and I have been observing you." Jack whispers quietly enough for me to hear as I hold in my breath.

They've been...what?

The two of us stare at each other through the numerous binders that is dividing us.

"I know you've been putting a lot of work in so we would take you more seriously." His words hollow as I stand there frozen. "But I don't think you're ready yet."

A nerve hits me. I can't help but scrunch my face. Feeling offended, I want to blurt out something but his cold blue eyes reflect back at me. A silence taking over the conversation as I glare at him.

"Why not..." My tone coming out harsh which surprises me all at once.

Wait, why did those words slip through my lips?!

Jack walks around the aisle towards me. His stride confident as I start to feel small. Slowly I step back but Jack only takes another step forward. Eventually my back bumps onto the cold wall as Jack towers over me. My eyes start to waver as he leans down, his nose nearly touching my own.

My legs grow weak as his breath tickles my face.

What is he doing?! This isn't professional at all!

My mind distracted as his blue eyes stare into my honey brown ones. I then feel something pressed against my side.

"Bang."  Is the only word Jack whispers before I hear the door to the room open again.

"Jack?" A deeper voice speaks from behind the two of us. I can't see who the voice belongs to with Jack towering over me. Jack doesn't break a sweat from the voice. He doesn't seem embarrassed at our position as he straightens himself.

I look down towards what's on my side to see Jack's gun. My eyes widening as my breathing quickens.

"What the hell?!" I whisper yell as Genji crosses his arms.

"What are you doing to the new cadet?" Genji smirks as Jack looks back at Genji.

"Showing her that she lacks natural awareness to be in the front lines." His tone stern as he looks back at me. "You can't let your guard down like that cadet. That's how you'll die."

I scrunch my brows together from his words.

I highly doubt my enemy would be as charming as you, Chief Morrison.

"Leave her alone. She's trying." Genji tries to comment in as Jack shakes his head.

"Not enough to please me." Jack says lowly as he walks away from me. A look of disappointment on his face. Genji glances at me briefly before following Jack out of the room. My legs finally gives out as I fall to the floor with a frown. My eyes brimming with tears ready to escape any moment.

[Discontinued] Unexpected & Forbidden || D.va x GenjiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora