🌸 06

412 12 1

Jacks arrived back in the office when I am busying myself with research. Hours go by and I don't notice how late it is. 

He shuffles papers around his desk and pinches the bridge of his nose. He looks over to the couch where I'm busily typing away on my laptop. 

"Cadet?" His voice surprised. I don't look away from my screen when he calls out to me. "I guess I was too busy to notice you're still here." He whispers under his breath. He glances at his watch. The lights turned off outside of his office.

The time now 10PM. The two of us have been here since 6AM this morning. Jack stands up from his seat and stretches his arms. 

"We should head home, cadet." Jack says. I look away from my screen to acknowledge him. 

"You can head home first, Chief. I just want to finish analyzing this case before I head out." 

Jack stares at me for a second before grabbing his jacket and keys. He slowly strides over to his door but stops to look over at me. "Should I wait for you? It is late and I don't think it'll be safe for you to go home alone." 

I try to give Jack a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Besides, I have your number if something happens." 

I won't actually call you though.

Jack gives a small smile and nods his head. "Alright. Have a good night cadet." He opens the door and closes it softly. I return my gaze to my lit laptop screen. Running my fingers through my hair, I move my bangs away from my face. 

The content on my screen is the case I meddled in. I stare at the woman's mugshots. My anxiety tingling in my hands as I continue to read the report on her. 


[ Jack's POV ]

The building gives off an eerie silence as I ride the elevator down. The thoughts of Hana bothers me but it vanishes when I see Angela sitting at the reception desk. Her beautiful blonde hair covering her face as she seems to be sleeping. Her head on the desk and she's covered her head with a folder. 

A smile creeps on my face as I lift the folder up. The bright lights bothering her eyes and she scrunches her brows, frowning. 

I watch her eyes flutter open, seeing an aggravated look on her face. 

"What the fuck Jack." She groans and snatches the folder back from me. Angela ties her hair back into a pony tail as I hand her my ID. Her slender fingers busily typing away after taking my ID. 

"Shouldn't you be home right now?" I ask Angela as she nods her head. "You weren't waiting for me were you?" I joke, watching her roll her eyes. 

"No. I was actually waiting for Hana." She growls at me as I raise an eyebrow.

Waiting for Hana? 

"Genji told me she broke down earlier today when he was teasing her. I just wanted to see how she's holding up. She needs a girl to talk to her since she's surrounded by too many testosterone in that office." Angela says angrily as she hands me my ID back.

"She has Lena, don't forget about her." I reply. Angela rolls her eyes. 

"Lena was hungover all today. I don't think she would be a great person to go to for comfort today." Angela crosses her arms and leans back in her chair. "So where is Hana?" 

I look back at the elevators. "She said she wants to finish up her work before leaving. But who knows when that will be." 

Angela looks slightly dejected as she nods her head. 

[Discontinued] Unexpected & Forbidden || D.va x GenjiWhere stories live. Discover now