🌸 01

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My name's Hana Song and I'm not your average 20 year old. People my age are probably in college/workforce or wasting their time partying their youth away. I decide to go for the former choice.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror as I brush my auburn red hair. The clock behind me reading 5:13 AM. My shift starting at 6AM at the police academy. I've gotten used to the early mornings ever since high school so it didn't bother me much.

I set my brush down and walk over to my black high heels that wait at the front of my bedroom door. The bedroom quiet with the only sound of the clock ticking as I slide my feet into my heels.

I walk into the kitchen to grab my lunch I've pre-made the night before along with my purse and I silently leave my apartment complex to catch the next subway.

The cool morning air tickles my cheeks as I quickly stride to the subway station. I've been a new cadet for a month and some weeks now and I've only been given the tasks to get coffee and handle paperwork.

My eyebrows scrunching together as I wait for my subway.

I want to do something more. How long is Chief Morrison going to let me stay idle?

I know I'm a new cadet with little to no experience, but how does he expect me to have experience if I'm not allowed to work on any cases?

The sound of the subway arriving snaps me out of my thoughts as a few passengers stand beside me for the oncoming subway. The station full of people on their way to work as I eye the crowd around me.

The subway stopping briefly to allow us to board while others board off to go to their own destinations. I eye an open seat and swiftly walk over to claim it as a few more passengers board on. I notice a little girl sitting across from me. She stares at me with huge wide eyes.

Her expression adorable as I silently wave at her. The little girl shyly looks away and tugs on her moms shirt.

"Mama, police officers can be girls too?" The little girl sweetly asks her mother in a high pitch tone. The mother turns her gaze towards me with warm eyes before looking back at her daughter.

"Of course. You can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough." The mother strokes her daughters cheeks who giggles happily to herself. I avert my gaze shyly from the kind words of the mother.

I turn my eyes towards my watch briefly before shutting them. 

The subway ride feels like forever every morning.


I let out a deep sigh as I step out of the subway station and head towards the police station. My watch reading 5:45 AM. The bustling of the streets and the continuous honking is something I'm used to by this point. Living in Seoul my entire life before moving to NYC helped me adjust to the busy lifestyle.

I push open the glass door to the police station and greet the receptionist, Angela Ziegler.

"Good morning, dear." Angela smiles at me brightly as I bow to her slightly.

"G-Good morning." I stammer.

Ugh, whenever I see Angela I feel intimidated. She's gorgeous, smart, and has a great career going for her. I've heard she's a great detective but the late nights and early mornings have crumbled her health, so she's taking a break to recoup herself by being the receptionist.

"You're early as usual." Angela says as she looks at my ID and punches me in on the computer. I silently nod to her. Her pearly whites blinding me as she hands me my ID back. "Jack likes that from new cadets. It shows him you're serious. Maybe he'll finally give you a case to work on."

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