Chapter 44

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Harry's POV

I was walking to class when I caught Eva walking out of the change room with a frown on her face. I jogged and caught up to her and grabbed her arm gently, walking to stand in front of her as I looked at her.

"What happened?" I asked. She shook her head. Just then, I saw Madison walk out of the change room and look towards us. She caught my gaze and looked at me guilty before she walked away.

"Why does Madison look like she wants to die?" I asked, "did she do something to you? Did you do something to her?"

She shook her head again before her chin began to tremble, "I have to go to gym."

She moved around me and walked down the hall before I could stop her. I stood there, puzzled and concerned before I went on my way to my class.


I found Eva in the library at lunch, hunched over like, four different textbooks. Her brown hair was in a messy bun and her backpack was on the table and pens and highlighters were scattered around the table. I bit my lip and dropped my bag quietly before I creeped up behind her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She stiffened and relaxed immediately as I rested my face on her shoulder, pressing my lips to her neck.

"Hi," I whispered. She sighed and placed her hand on top of mine.


"Wanna talk about earlier?" I asked, sitting down next to her. She sighed and looked at me, her beautiful eyes sparkling as she offered me a small smile.

"Just stupid girl stuff." She shrugged. I hummed and leaned towards her, resting my arm on the back of her chair, and placing my other hand on her leg.

"Baby," I said, "I know for a fact you don't argue with other girls about your periods and other girl tell me."

"Nothing, Harry," she replied, "I promise. She was just being her annoying self so i put her in her place."

I frowned and tilted my head as I gazed at her. I could see the stress lines on her face.

"You can tell me," I said. She nodded and smiled, placing her hand on my cheek, brushing my face gently with her thumb.

"I know," she replied, "it's nothing. Trust me."

I hummed, not satisfied with her answer but nodded nonetheless. I sighed and moved back and watched as she began to study again.

There was something bothering her. I knew that there was. She was a terrible liar. I just knew that I couldn't force it out of her, nor could I pressure her. Whatever was going on, I had to find out from her own mouth.


She hummed and looked at me.

"I love you."

She smiled, leaning over to peck my cheek, "I love you too."


I lay on my couch, staring up at the ceiling as my mom prepared dinner in the kitchen. I twirled my hair around with my fingers as I thought about Eva. I frowned and sat up, peering over my couch and into the kitchen.


"Yes hun?"

"Can I talk to you about something?"

She looked up from her bowl of mashed potatoes and nodded, looking towards the stool at the end of the counter. I nodded and got up before I made my way to the kitchen and sat down. I sighed and bit my lip before I looked at my mom.

"So," I began, "Eva and I are dating, as you know. And Niall and Madison have really been up her ass about it; they've been bullying her and teasing her and making her feel like crap."

"Because she's with you?" My mother asked, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged.

"I honestly don't know," I replied, "and then I've been defending her and keeping her safe as well as I could have been, and lately...I don't know. She just seems odd."


"She's more reserved, she looks more tired and stressed, she tends not to talk about things anymore unless it's school," I explained, "it's weird. I want to ask her what's wrong but I also don't want to bother her. I don't want to force her to tell me, you know what I mean?"

She nodded, "just give her time. Let her know that you're here for her, but also give her the space that she needs to be able to come to terms with whatever she's going through before she shares it with anyone else."

I nodded, "Evan has noticed it too. Whenever Eva's with us, she's a bit quiet."

My mother smiled at me as she mixed the potatoes, "just give her time."

"I know," I sighed.


I smiled as I leaned against my headboard, Eva rested against me. I asked her to come over after dinner to spend some time with her.

"You're okay right?" I asked, "you also know that no matter what happens I'm always here for you? For anything?"

She nodded against me and sighed, "I know. Thank you."

"So is Evan," I said, "if you don't want to say something to be, at least make sure you say it to Evan."

"I know, Harry. Thank you."

I buried my head into her hair, squeezing her tightly and closing my eyes against her.

I just needed to know she was okay.


Idk what to say here so uh,...hope you liked the chapter lmao.

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