Chapter 41

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Brief mention of eating disorders in this chapter, so if you'd like, you may wait for the next chapter. This chapter, to give a brief description is mainly Niall bullying Eva. 

Niall's POV

"I'm not doing the bet anymore," I huffed, "I just want to make her life miserable now. Do what Harry couldn't."

"What does that mean?" Madison asked as she sat across from me in the diner booth. She took a fry and munched on it as she stared at me.

"What I said," I retorted, "I'm going to make her life a living hell, why is that so hard to understand?"

She shrugged and continued to eat her food. I rolled my eyes and slouched back against the booth and looked out the window onto the busy street.

"I ruined her painting," I smirked, causing Madison to laugh.

"That was you?" She chuckled, flipping her hair, "nice."

"It was fucking amazing," I snorted, "you should have seen her face."

"Did her eyes get all big and sad?" she sneered. I smirked and nodded.

"Like a baby." 

She snickered and shook her head, "and Harry?"

I faltered and looked at her.

"What about him?"

"Do you think he has any idea as to why you're doing this?" she asked. My blood ran cold. I hadn't even told her my own reason yet, so why would she know? How would she know.

"Why I'm doing this?" I asked, looking at her. She shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah," she said, "so you can have Eva and I can have Harry. Duh."

I let out a breath, "no. He doesn't."

She hummed, "well, I have a feeling they won't last anyways."

"What makes you so sure?"

"She's too fragile," she smirked, "she'll break like that. She always did, especially when we were younger, remember? All of those times in middle school, she'd go crying into the washroom."

"Didn't she have an eating problem too?" I asked, biting my lip. I did feel bad about that, but I always made myself feel better by saying that I had nothing to do with it. I didn't. I never commented about her weight to her face. So I thought it was okay. 

"Yeah," she replied, "used to starve herself."

"Didn't you ever feel bad?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I barely saw her around halls, and honestly, I had better things to do than worry about some loser with self esteem problems." 

"I feel a bit guilty though," I said, "I mean, I hate her guts and all, but we shouldn't have made her starve."

Madison rose her eyebrow at me and chuckled, "are you serious right now? You're standing up for Baby Eva? The girl with the accent?"

I scoffed and looked out to the street, "no. I'm just saying. It's a bit sick."

"Even if it is," Madison shrugged, "she's 'okay' now. We just have to focus on making her feel like shit again, so her and Harry break up, and we can step in."

"I doubt either of them will want us then," I growled. 

"Then why are we planning to bully them?" she asked. I looked at her. I bit my lip and looked down at the table before I looked back out to the city. I heard her chuckle softly and mutter something under her breath but I didn't bother to answer. 

"I just want to make her miserable," I mumbled, "she deserves it."


I walked into school the next day and smirked when I saw Eva standing by her locker, with no Evan in sight. I walked up to her and smiled, causing her to look at me and frown questioningly.

"Can I help you," she asked. 

I tilted my head as I stared at her, "do you think you're pretty?"

She blinked at me. Suddenly, she slammed her locker shut and began to make her way down the hallway. I hurried behind her and made my way to stand next to her. 

"I mean," I said, "I don't understand what Harry sees in you since you two started dating."

"Well that should be between him and I don't you think?" she whispered, clutching her books to her chest. 

"It should," I replied, "I'm still curious though. I mean, you were like anorexic for a while. Maybe he just feels bad."

"Leave me alone, Niall," she said as she continued walking down the hall, "I need to get to class."

I stepped in front of her and stared at her, smiling when I saw how scared and sad she was.

"He's way out of your league Whitman," I sneered, "you're just a lonely excuse of a girl who can't even wander through the hallways without her best friend always by her side. Have you ever been independent?"

I laughed, "Harry doesn't need dependent girls like you. Girls that can't even take care of themselves. Weak ones. you were better off in middle school when nobody noticed you."

She pursed her lips and shoved past me, knocking my shoulder in the process. I chuckled and shook my head to myself as I turned around and looked at her walk down the hall. 

This was going to be fun. 


Poopy chapter I know, but I'm cramping and I needed to update hehe. 

I'm so excited for this ending omg.

Love you!


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