Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I sat across from Evan at the lunch table, where I could see my friends from behind him. They were giving me questioning glances but I just shook it off.

I honestly did not want to deal with them right now. Especially Niall. I didn't like the way he just shook it off when I told him I didn't want to do the bet anymore. In all honesty, I expected him to try to guilt me into it. But when he didn't, when he just accepted it, I was more suspicious than relieved. 

But I was more nervous about the evil glare Evan was giving me from across the table. He had smiled at me when I first sat down, but soon began to get a bit more hostile. Especially when Eva took her seat next to me (which I tried my hardest not to blush at) and Evan tensed up. I knew he was protective of her, especially after what Madison had put her through in the past...and I guess, I had a part in it too.

But now, it was convincing her that I wanted nothing more than to be with her again, was the trick. I had no idea how to do it. I wanted to ask Evan for help but I just wasn't sure. He'd probably run me over anyways.

"So," I sighed, "how was was your mornings?" 

Eva smiled, obviously noting my lame attempt at making small talk and looked at me, "good. Evan?"

Evan kept a hard glare on me and spoke. 

"Just peachy."

I swallowed and nodded, looking down at my hands while they began to eat. I glanced down at my own food tray and was shocked to discover that my nerves had made me lose my appetite. 

Oh well.

"So, Eva," Evan sighed, "did you see the new History teacher today?"

Eva shook her head, giving her best friend a puzzled look. 

"No why?" she asked, setting down her apple on the tray.

"He's young as fuck," Evan said, "I don't even know if he's legal. Like, he straight up looks like he could be mistaken for a thirteen year old who just found out what pubic hair was."

I choked on my own spit, spluttering coughs at his comparison while Eva laughed and patted my back.

"Yeah," she laughed, "that's Evan for ya."

I nodded and reached into my bookbag for a water bottle. I took a quick swig and smirked at him.

"Do you mean Mr. Travis?" I asked. He rose an eyebrow and looked at me.

"You saw suspender kid too?" he gasped. I snorted.

"Suspender kid? That's what people are calling him?" I asked. He shrugged and looked at me.

"You got a better idea, curly?" he challenged. I shrugged and glanced at Eva who was looking at the two of us curiously.

"No," I mumbled, "but suspender kid isn't catchy."

He shrugged, "not my words, man. I'm just going by hearsay." 

I nodded and looked towards Eva who was smiling at Evan. She shook her head and looked down at her tray with a smile before she took a bite out of her apple. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit at her actions and felt myself becoming nervous.

They didn't have anything, did they?

I mean, if they did...I didn't want to come in between. Eva deserved happiness, and if it wasn't with me, then I'm sure as hell glad it's with someone she knows  and trusts. Even if it's Evan. 

"So, Harry," Evan began, leaning forward on the table. I felt myself instinctively straighten up, clearing my throat slightly as I clasped my hands and met the blue eyes of the best friend of my ex best friend. 


"Why are you here?" he asked, bluntly too if I may add. 

"I uh...." I could feel Eva stare at me as I tried to compose myself, "I fucked up when we were younger. I miss Eva and I want to be her friend again..But uh...only if she'll let me." 

Evan looked to Eva, causing me to slowly look at her as well. She shrugged and gave a tight lipped smile.

"I'm making him work for my trust again," she mumbled, looking down at her food. 

"Oh well if that's the case, it won't be easy," Evan sighed, leaning back in his chair, "'re in for a real challenge, my friend. This girl's trust issues are like.."

He made a whistle and moved his hand up above his head, as if signifying that Eva had more trust issues than the most of us. I sighed and nodded. 

"I know," I sighed, "but the fact that I'm here and I haven't spoken to a single one of my friends today has got to count for something right?"

Evan shrugged and extended his hand to Eva, "it's up to her, boss. Not me."

I nodded and looked at Eva. She smiled and shrugged.

"It's something," she sighed, smiling a little. 

I hope this would work out. I wasn't lying when I told Niall I wanted out of the bet. I know it might seem shocking but I really didn't want to be a part of whatever they were planning. If anything, I wanted out of it. I didn't want to be around them anymore. Sure, they were great for throwing parties, but they weren't great with advice. If I liked a girl, they'd say something vulgar like, "fuck em and be done with it." 

That's not how I wanted to go about my relationships. If they were real friends they'd know that. But nobody really did. And I guess that's why I hooked up with girls sometimes. So I'd be able to keep up with their "already created" image of me...stupid reason I know, but when you're in high school and you suddenly get swept up in the popular'll do anything to stay. 

Until you realize how stupid and transparent it is. 

"Eva," I whispered, glancing at Evan to see him completely preoccupied with something on his phone. Eva looked at me.

"I'm sorry," I said for the hundredth time, "I really am. I know you're used to me breaking your heart and hurting you, but if you let me, I'll become the same old Harry again...but I'll need your help."

She sighed and looked down at her plate, biting her lip. Finally, she timidly brought her eyes up to meet mine, brown eyes beautiful and sparkling.

"I don't know," she murmured, "I just..I don't know if I can trust you right now. You'll have to earn it."

I nodded furiously, "I know. I'll do it. Whatever it takes."

She sighed and looked at me once before she looked back at her food. I sighed and looked down at my hands, silently praying to whoever was up in the skies to help me through this.

God knows I'd need all the help I could get if it meant making up for what I had done to Eva. But I was determined to get her back.

I had to.


What do you think is going to happen?



Have a wonderful day/night!

Love, Sach. :)

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