Chapter 37

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I think I'm losing reads...but I'm gaining

Harry's POV


I looked up at my girlfriend who sat across from me on my bed with furrowed eyebrows as she contemplated over her homework.

"Yeah?" I asked. She looked up at me and shrugged.

"I don't know how to do this question," she sighed. I smiled softly and moved over to her. I nudged her nose with mine and pressed a kiss to her lips. She hummed against my mouth and reached her hands up to grasp my shirt, causing my body to fall against her as I sat on my knees and leaned forward. I kissed her softly and pulled away to drag my lips across her cheek, pulling away finally after pressing a small kiss to her jaw. I beamed at my girl as she smiled at me.

"Let's see what you got, hm?" I whispered, taking her math out of her hands. I moved to sit next to her and smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder. I analyzed her work and set it down on the bed.

"Darling, you have to reflect this," I said, pointing to a graph. She grunted and buried her face into her hands.

"I'm done with this," she sighed, pulling out her phone. I smiled and rolled my eyes before I made my way to my own textbooks. She hummed as she scrolled through her phone and I smiled to myself as I gazed at her.

She kept a small smile on her face as she looked down at her phone. After a short while, she glanced up at me and rose an eyebrow.

"It's not polite to stare," she giggled. I smirked and leaned towards her.

"It's not staring. I'm simply admiring what's mine," I replied. She smiled and looked down at me as she fumbled with her fingers and I smirked. She then frowned and held up her phone to me.

I frowned as I looked down at the screen, jolting and taking the phone into my own hands to examine what I saw.

Niall and Madison were standing together, his hands around her waist and hers around his neck. She was pressing her lips to his cheek and they looked like they were at a party. I rose my eyebrow and looked at Eva who sat, looking quite worried. I sighed and put the phone down before I pulled her into my arms.

"Nothing is going to happen," I whispered against her hair. She whimpered and clutched onto my t shirt. I sighed and kissed her forehead.

"What if they're planning something?"

I pulled away to look at her, "baby, you'll be fine. We both will. I promise you, nothing will happen."


I knocked on Niall's door and waited patiently. Footsteps sounded from behind the door and the door swung open to reveal Niall. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he settled his face into a smile.

"What's up, Styles," he sneered. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"You with Madison now?" I asked. He rose an eyebrow as he crossed his arms and leaned against his door frame. 

"Why? Still want her?" he smirked. I scoffed.

"Piss off," I replied, "listen, I don't know what it is you're planning for Eva but whatever it is, it needs to stop now."

I frowned at the thought of them embarrassing my girl in front of the school and glared at Niall as he smirked.

"Who said we're planning anything?" 

I narrowed my eyes at him and stepped forward, "I'm not stupid, Horan. I've known you for more than five years and I know you well enough to know when you're planning something stupid. I don't know if you and Madison are real but I'm real sure you aren't because none of this bullshit adds up. Either way, I don't care. But if I see a single tear, or anything come from my girlfriend about how you and your asshole friends broke her in any way, I will break you. Don't fuck with me."

I gave him one last look before I turned on my heel and left. 

"Don't tempt me, Styles," he called as I walked away, "you may regret it!"

I rose my hand to flip him off.


"Harry," Eva laughed as I kissed along her neck. She giggled as I peppered small kisses along her face and pulled away to look down at her, hair sprawled around her on the pillow and a small smile on her face. Her brown eyes twinkled as she gazed up at me.

"Did you finish your report for History?" she asked, brushing her fingers through my hair. I hummed and rested my head on her chest, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist as she continued to play with my curls.

"I did," I replied, "damned thing took me two hours."

She snickered and began to massage my scalp. I closed my eyes and nuzzled into her as we lay on her bed.

"I finished mine the day we got it assigned to us," she hummed. I rolled her eyes at her studious ways and lifted my head up to pout at her.

"Stop being smarter than me," I whined. She laughed and kissed my nose. I smiled and pecked her lips and chin before I rested my head back down on her.

"Where'd you go today?" she asked. I hummed.

"You said you had something to do, remember?" she asked. I bit my lip and smiled up at her. 

"Nothing you need to worry about princess," I whispered. She frowned and shrugged, thankfully letting go of the subject.

I bit my lip as I listened to her ramble about some show she started watching and found myself absentmindedly playing with the straps of her tank top.

I don't think I was wrong to not tell her. If I did, she would worry too much and I didn't want that. Besides, I could totally handle it myself. 


Sorry for the slow updates. 

I hope you liked this chapter! 

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Have a good day!!



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