Chapter 40

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I didn't forget about this book. I just wanted to finish off my other two so i could focus on this one and oblivious. :)

Harry's POV

I walked into school with my hands in my pockets. I was still on suspension but I didn't want to have Eva pick up all of my homework every day. So here I am.

Man did I want to leave.

I huffed as I walked through the hallway, merging past the students as they made their way home after the school day had finally finished. I found Eva standing with Evan next to the lockers. I smiled as I met Evan's gaze and Eva turned around to smile at me. She reached her hand out for me and I took it, running my thumb up and down her skin as a feeling of calmness settled over me.

"Hi," she smiled. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her hair.

"Hey," I whispered. I looked at Evan and smirked.

"Hey," I said. Evan smiled and nodded.

"Don't mean to be rude but uh," he trailed off, "why are you here?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "believe it or not, I came to get my homework."

Evan gasped, "you do homework?"

I sighed and let out a few grumbles before I huffed and leaned against the locker. Eva smiled at me and giggled before she turned to Evan.

"I'm going to go with Harry and get his homework," she smiled, "I'll see you later?"

Evan smiled and nodded, "bye boo."

He walked away, his blonde hair actually bouncing a bit as his curls had grown longer.

"He needs to cut his hair," I said, shaking my head as I looked at him and down at Eva. She smiled and her eyes crinkled, the brown orbs sparkling in the school light. 

I grabbed her hand and was about to walk down the hallway when Niall stopped right next to us. He stared at me menacingly and then smirked at Eva.

"Can I help you," Eva asked, "because if not, then we really have somewhere we'd like to be."

Niall shrugged and smirked, "you're in art right?"

Eva nodded, "I switched over last week, why?"

I smiled at her. She was always good at drawing, but never really admitted it to herself until a while back.

He pursed his lips, "nothing...just, I thought you could use some help with your painting so I uh..."

He took out his phone and snickered as he unlocked it and tapped it a few times. I grew nervous as to what he was about to show us and grabbed Eva's hand, squeezing it gently as I watched my old friend. Niall's eyes snapped back up to ours and he smirked again before he showed us his phone. I wasn't really sure what I was looking at, but apparently Eva did since she took in a sharp breath.

The picture was of a completely black canvas. Just black. There was nothing on it besides black painting.

"You painted a black canvas?" I looked to Eva. She looked over at me with tearful eyes and shook her head.

"No," her voice grew softer, "I painted"

"A tiger," he smirked, swiping on his phone and lifting it up to show me the picture. I clenched my jaw tightly as I looked at the painting that used to be on the canvas that is now covered - no, sorry drenched - in black paint. 

The tiger was fucking beautiful. It didn't look like it was finished, but there were streaks of green and gold splattered all over the painting to make it look abstract yet defined. The tiger itself was incredibly detailed, its eyes piercing you as you stared at the picture, as if challenging you. Or waiting. Or observing. 

It was beautiful, and he wrecked it.

I took a step forward and looked at him, "are you asking to get your ass handed to you?"

He rose an eyebrow and walked up to me, coming close enough that our chests touched, "you wouldn't do that. Wouldn't want to risk getting expelled, would it?"

I smirked, "it'd be worth it if it meant getting to see your face beaten into the ground, much less having to be the one to do it."

His cocky smirk faltered and there was a glint in his eye. He pursed his lips and looked me once over before he stepped back. 

"Whatever," he said, suddenly very submissive, "just so you know though, you still have a week and a little more left of your suspension. Which means your girl is alone at school without you to protect her."

He made a mock crying face and wiped some imaginary tears away from his cheek, "that also means, I can make her life a living hell until-"

"Until I come back to rip you to pieces," I growled, walking right up to him, "if I hear or see something that that even suggests you or your fucking sex doll in heels did something to Eva, I will run you over. And I don't care if it gets me suspended. You leave her alone."

Niall shrugged, "you're all words and no action Harry."

I glared at him, "I punched you in the locker room."

"Then punch me again."

I clenched my fists. I heard footsteps rush up behind me and a small hand on my back.

"Harry, let's just go get your homework," Eva's voice whispered, "please. Let's go."

"Yeah, Harry, go be a good boy and go get your homework," Niall mocked. I clenched my jaw and kept my gaze locked with his as I reached around to entangle Eva's fingers with mine. I shook my head and walked past him, pulling her along close behind me. 

What the fuck happened to him? He wasn't this much of a dick when we used to be friends. But then again, I was a dick when we were friends so maybe I was just oblivious to it this entire time. 

Either way, I didn't like what he said about making Eva's life a living gave me goosebumps.


long time no see, I know. But it shall all change! I'm going to work on this book and Oblivious until they are finished and I will not start another story until that is the case. 

That being said, this book might end up getting into the 90s in terms of chapters but that's only because this book has already been semi slow so I can't just rush everything, you know?

So be patient! I'll try to update whenever I can. Love you lots and I hope you all have had a great day/night!


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