Chapter 9

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Another time jump in this chapter. We'll be going to high school in this chapter.

Harry's POV

I didn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't.

I lost my Eva.

And it was all my fault because I was the dick that took the best thing I had in my life for granted and I didn't realize it until my mom told me and yelled at me for it. It finally registered that I was never getting Eva back. 

I was currently sitting at a lunch table with my friends, staring over at Eva while she sat alone with Evan at her table. She had bags under her eyes and her skin seemed to be a lot more paler than usual. I was worried as fuck. I couldn't let anything happen to her. She was my baby. I had to protect her. Why? Because I love her. And I'm too chicken to do anything about it now because of my stupid reputation I've managed to build up.

"Babe," Madison said, looking at me, "you okay?"

I clenched my jaw and nodded, looking down at my hands before I smiled at her. She beamed at me and leaned forward to press her lips to mine. I sighed when she pulled away and looked back to Eva to find her laughing at something Evan said.

That's my job.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked away from them and focused on whatever Liam was saying.

"We should totally prank her," Liam said, smirking at us. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Who?" I asked.

"Evangeline, who else? She's such a fucking loser, I can't believe you used to hang out with her," Liam snorted. I said nothing and looked away from them, trying to occupy myself with whatever it was that other kids were doing in the cafeteria. 

"Hey," Niall said, "why don't you do it?"

I turned my head to find him looking at me. I felt my hands get clammy as I licked my lips and rose my eyebrows.

"Do what?" I asked.

Louis smirked, flicking his brown hair to the side of his face as his blue eyes gazed at me, "make her fall for you. Take her to the year end dance and then break up with her or something. I don't know. Make her fall in love with you."

I frowned, "that's cruel. Even for her."

"You scared," Liam challenged. I glared at him.

"Not at all," I snapped, "I just...I don't think it's right. She's already been through so much, just give her a break."

"Fine," Madison said, "we'll leave her alone."

"Let's do it when we graduate high school then," Niall smirked, "it'll be like a senior year prank!" 

The group erupted into a chorus of "yeah's" and I looked at my hands as I tried to fight the tears that were brewing. This was cruel. This wasn't right. I couldn't do this to Eva. I had already broken her heart. I couldn't break her even more.

"What do you say, Harry?" Niall asked. I bit my lip as I sighed.

Maybe they'd forget about it by the time graduation came by. Or maybe Eva would move? Or maybe they would...

What's the harm in saying yes? Nobody's going to remember this in four years.


Fast-forward to Senior Year

"You were fucking amazing last night, man!" Louis cheered as we made our way through the halls. I smirked to myself as I walked to my locker. 

First day of school, so obviously I threw a "Farewell Summer," party. My parents were out of town for the weekend and I had a big house.  

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