Chapter 27

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Eva's POV

Today Harry and I were going out for lunch.

I asked Evan to come but he said he had to hang out with Stella, which was fine by me. Stella is a nice girl. She's in my French class and she's extremely pretty. And it's not like the fake, makeup caked beauty either..she's naturally pretty.

She has long brown hair, and blue eyes with freckles on her face. She's the definition of beauty, in my opinion.

And then there's me.

Stingy old Eva, who wears sweats and hoodies to be honest, I think I only tried to look pretty on the first day. After that, I kind of just stopped trying.

Anyways, in terms of Harry and I. We're dating. I'm happy. It's only been a couple of days and I'm enjoying what we have.

We don't show it in public though. Not at school, at least. 

It was my idea, not his. He wasn't too thrilled about it, but I told him that I didn't want the attention that came with being in a relationship. He, of course got offended and thought I meant being in a relationship with him, but when I clarified and said it was being in a relationship with anyone, he understood and reluctantly agreed. I just wasn't ready to have people know yet.

Mainly because I wasn't sure if this was going to last.

When we're alone though, Harry doesn't hold back from the cuddles. We haven't kissed yet; just small pecks on the cheek or nose or something, but I haven't actually kissed him. I don't know, I just find kissing someone on the mouth is more intimate and I want to be closer with Harry before I do that.

I sighed as I closed my locker and walked towards the doors to the school, where Harry was waiting by his car. I kept my gaze down on the ground as I walked and jumped when someone stepped in front of me. 

I looked up and almost rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Eva," she chirped. I smiled stiffly.

"Hi Madison," I said, "how are you."

She shrugged, "eh. Here and there, I guess."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What the fuck does that mean?

"Anyways," she sighed, chewing her gum, "I see you've been hanging around Harry quite a bit recently. "

I rose an eyebrow, "uh yeah. We're friends again."

She hummed, "just warning you, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could spit."

I frowned, "and why should I believe you?"

She shrugged, "I'm just warning you." 

She smiled at me and walked around me as I watched her walk away. She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and I scoffed before I turned around and headed out the door. The sun was blinding today and I squinted as I looked around for Harry's car. 

I smiled when I found him leaning against the side of it, talking to someone on his phone while he waited for me. He had on a grey and maroons sweater with some workout shorts - probably because he had just used the school gym before lunch like he always does. He wore sunglasses and a hat. He looked comfy. He saw me coming and waved as he smiled. He then began to walk to his side of the car where he waited for me to approach as he hung up the phone. 

"Hey, baby," he smiled

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"Hey, baby," he smiled. I smiled shyly and looked at him, suddenly remembering Madison's words. What if she was right?


He opened his car door quickly and tossed his phone in before he jogged around to my side and smiled. He placed his hands on my waist, something he did often, and leaned down to peck my cheek. He pulled away with a happy smile and opened the door for me.

"My lady," he joked. I snickered and shook my head before I climbed in. He rounded the car and then climbed in next to me before he turned and looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled.

"What's up?"

"You look beautiful," he whispered. I looked down at my outfit.

A university sweater and some sweats with crocs for my shoes...what's beautiful about that. My hair was put up into a messy bun and I wasn't wearing makeup.

"I look like a slouch," I huffed. He snorted and shook his head, leaning over to nuzzle his nose with mine causing me to smile softly. He beamed at me before he leaned up to kiss my nose.

"You look like a princess," he replied, "a very lazy princess."

 I laughed and nodded, "I think that's my calling."

"A lazy princess?"

"Yeah. I'd rule my couch and Netflix."

We laughed.

"Eva," he said suddenly. I looked over at him to find him staring at his hands as he fiddled with his thumbs. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, confused. 

"What's wrong?"

"Thank you for giving me another chance," he whispered, looking at me. His green eyes radiated innocence and gratitude and I smiled as I reached over to grasp his huge hand in mine. 

"You keep thanking me every day," I laughed. He smiled softly, intertwining our fingers before he rested our hands in his lap. 

"And every day I'll keep doing it."

He leaned over to kiss my cheek again and I bit my lip as I watched him get the car ready to drive. I knew he wanted to kiss me; he would always look at my lips whenever we spoke. 

Just give me a bit longer, Harry. I let you kiss me..I just need more time.

Niall's POV

I smirked as I watched Madison walk towards us. She caught my gaze and smiled deviously as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. I averted my gaze when Evan walked past us. He kept his gaze on a brunette standing beside him and I felt myself frown as I observed them, feeling annoyance rush over me.

I clenched my jaw slightly but regained myself as Madison approached us.

"So," I asked.

"I warned her to keep her guard up," she replied, chewing some gum obnoxiously, "she won't see this coming. Neither will he."

 I looked at Louis and Liam who were smirking and shaking their heads in amusement.

"Thanks for helping us, by the way," I said, "you're making this a lot easier for us."

Madison shrugged, "we both have the same motive; we want to see Eva ruined. The only difference is, I want Harry back and you want to-"

"Shut it," I growled, looking towards my friends who were caught up in their own conversation. I didn't want people to know that this wasn't just a bet we made in middle school. This had more meaning to me than people thought. I looked back at Madison who shrugged innocently.

"We'll see you later, Maddie," I sighed. 


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