Chapter 33

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Hi Jonathan. Did you miss me?

What the fuck is that?

Oh, don't you remember? How rude, it's me, Delirious.

What the fuck are you doing here?

I just noticed you were having too much fun with (Y/N).

Stay the fuck away from her!

Should I? Nah, this'll be fun~

Why don't we show her, why you shouldn't be with other guys? This is what you want after all.

Shut the fuck up!! Don't you ever land a hand on her!

Why shouldn't I? This is also your body after all.

I couldn't control that other side of me. He's getting stonger than me. I should protect (Y/N) from him. Which also means she has to stay away from me until I control Delirium. I went to Evan to tell him what's happening.

"Uhm, Evan, may I talk with you in private?" I said as soon as he noticed me beside him.
"Sure man, what is it?" Evan said, as we were walking at the back.
"I think Delirium is back." As soon as I spill it out, Evan looks extremely shocked.
"WHAT?! HOW!?" Evan yelled in panic. He knows how hard it is for me to control him. He had also met Delirium once, he was scared of me but he still stayed by me.
"I- I don't know. You should keep (Y/N) away from me without her knowing about this. Can I trust you?" I said, looking into Evan's eyes to read his thoughts. It's strange but ever since we've been together, some how both of us can read our thoughts just by looking at each other's eyes.
"But she'll be hurt if one of us leaves her." Evan said worriedly. He's right though, she'll maybe even blame herself for this.
"I know. Please, just keep her away until I control Delirium." I said, stopping my tears from falling down. It hurts me knowing I'll be leaving her. I don't even know how to handle Delirium myself.

Your POV

After talking to Luke and the other guys, I noticed that Jonathan is gone. I swear I just saw him talking to Evan. Did they got into a fight or something? I should ask Evan about it.

"Hey Evan!" I yelled as I approach him.
"Hey (Y/N)." He replied in a gloomy tone. What the shit happened?
"Have you seen Jo- shit... I meant Jackson." I said. Hopefully no fans heard that I almost said Jonathan.
"Well- uhm... He left early.. Because he got a headache." Evan said, smiling. His smile seems odd, it isn't the smile that looks really real. Is he hiding something? Ugh! I should stop being suspicious about my friends, I should really trust them more.
"Okay. What about you? Did something happened?" I ask him. He looks tense as fuck. But he just smiled it away.
"Nahh. I'm just tired. You should hang out with the others. You know, go around the whole place. I'll be fun!" He replied, giving me a wide but obviously fake smile.
"Sure. Hope you could rest soon. Goodluck with the fans!" I said happily to enlighten the mood between us. He smiled then I walk with Marcel, James, Jaiden, Adam, and Lucas. The others stayed at the guys' stall.

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