Chapter 11

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Wildcat's POV

"You're (Y/N) right?" I said, standing in front of a little girl.
"Hmm yeah. What do you want?" She replied, she's sounds so depressed, but I have to tell her.
"Your bestfriend is in trouble, I saw Felix pushing him around."
We rushed into the place where I found Felix, she's a slow runner.
"Hurry up! You're so slow." I said as I was rushing down with the little girl behind my back.
"I know, I'm trying okay?" She said angrily, she sounds cute when she's angry.
"Want to rest for a second?" She nodded.
"What's your name by the way?" She said, breaking the silence.
"I'm Tyler. I know your name by now, so you don't have to introduce yourself." I replied with a smile. Then we suddenly heard someone getting closer to our direction.
"Quick hide!" I whispered at (Y/N), knowing we will be in trouble if they see us. We both hide behind a very tall rock. When the sound got closer, we noticed it was Felix and his friends.
"That kid is pretty strong! Why didn't we invite him to our gang?" Felix said, did he fight back? Damn, that's a tough thing to do.
"Because he's nice to (Y/N)?" I notice it was Cry's voice.
"Shut up Ryan! Or we'll kick you too." Ken said madly.
"I was just kidding." Well base on his tone, he's not. He's actually really nice, but why would he do this?
As they slowly disappear, I peaked at (Y/N), she looks really scared and worried. She's so cute, and nice, she's perfect! Before I even knew, she pulled me to the direction where Felix came from. We both saw her bestfriend, bleeding, laying down, weak.
"Peter Pan!" She said as she walks towards him. Peter Pan? Is that what she calls him?

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