Usually I have stellar patience, which is what made me so great to care for the pack's pups. It's rare for me to get really angry, but when I do I usually blow up in a big way, similar to how I yelled at Sasuke the other day.

I also hold grudges, which is why Sasuke and I still haven't spoken to each other. And I can tell you right now, there's no way in hell I'll be speaking to that jerk first.

"Heya, Team 7." Kakashi-sensei chirped brightly as he puffed into existence.

"You're late!" Sakura and Naruto screamed at him. Kakashi-sensei held up his hands in surrender.

"Hey, I'm sorry team, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way around." He excused. Sasuke scoffed and rolled his eyes while Naruto and Sakura loudly berated our sensei.

Actually... understandable. I hate cats. If I were him I probably would've hunted the thing.

"Anyways, I signed you all up for the Chunnin Selection Exams." Kakashi-sensei told us brightly as he handed us each a stack of papers to fill out.

"The Chunnin Selection Exams? What's that?" Naruto asked, predictably.

"You dope." Sakura chided, "It's the exams that determine if you move up in ninja rank and become a Chunnin." I suspected that she had more to say, but she got strangely quite once Kakashi-sensei handed her a packet.

"That must be why so many foreign ninja are in the village." Sasuke muttered.

"Now this is totally optional. If you don't want to take the exam then you don't have to. But if you do want to participate, then go to the location on the front page of the packet at the time it states. Don't feel any pressure, after all, there's always next year." Kakashi-sensei informed us. I nodded and wondered if I wanted to take the exam. I glanced at Sakura and noticed her unusual expression.

It seems Sakura and I are both unsure.

"Oh yeah! I can't wait! There's so many strong guys I want to fight!" Naruto started to shout and dance around, "Like him! And him! And..." suddenly he cut himself off only to randomly glare at Sasuke again.

"Do you think he realizes that he's speaking out loud instead of thinking?" I asked no one in particular.

"Naruto doesn't think." Sasuke replied. For a second, things were normal. Sasuke shot me a smirk and I shared an amused smile.

But then I remembered that he's an ass.

"I wasn't talking to you." I huffed and crossed my arms. He frowned, his eyes growing cold.

"Did you realize you were speaking out loud instead of thinking? Or are you just as stupid as Naruto and don't think at all?" I grit my teeth in anger.

Damn... his comeback was so much better than mine.

"If I take these stupid exams it's purely to wipe the floor with you. If ninja like Garra or Kankuro don't kick your ass you can bet I will." Sasuke glared at me, his cold eyes suddenly lighting with fire.

"You really think you can take me? I'm not the same kid you ambushed at the Uchiha training grounds that one time." We were now facing each other in a heated glare-off.

"You? Change? You've got to be kidding me. You have literally two emotions; impassive and angry. You expect me to believe you're more than a one trick pony?" I spat at him.

"You really think you can take me? Some branch family brat against the Uchiha heir?" my mouth dropped open.

"Too far, Sasuke..." Sakura squeaked quietly from her position on the sidelines.

The Breaking Point (SasukeXOC)Where stories live. Discover now