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I silently sat a few feet away from Sasuke. The two of us watched the night go by without speaking a word. It felt like we had some sort of understanding between us. I enjoyed it. I wondered if he finally accepted me as not only part of his clan, but a friend and comrade in arms.

"Why haven't you asked me yet?" he spoke shattering the companionable silence between us.

Could he be talking about...?

"About what?" I asked despite having the suspicion I knew what he was asking.

"About that night. I know who was responsible." He didn't once glance at me, but his tone became as cold and as hard as ice.

"The massacre." I confirmed. His fists tightened in anger.

"So why haven't you asked me who was responsible? I know you have no idea." He finally turned to me, his dark eyes both searching and accusing. I pursed my lips and looked away from him towards the moon.

It was a quarter crescent tonight. She had been waning for some time, I'm sure the nights will be dark without her watchful light to guide us in the coming days.

"Would it really matter if I knew?" I asked back after some time of silence between us. I turned back to face Sasuke, he hadn't once let his eyes wander from my face. He gave me no response to my question.

"They're gone, Sasuke. Nothing will bring them back. Nothing will wipe away that pain."

"You would think differently if you knew what I know." I furrowed my brows at him.

"Then tell me. What could possibly change all that?" I had a sudden sense of dread in my gut. I felt like whatever Sasuke's answer was, whoever killed our clan, would change how I perceived everything; maybe even how I viewed my very existence.

I felt like he was right.

"I am an avenger." He began, standing from his seat on the roof in the silver of the moon's heavenly glow, "I will avenge our clan, our name, and our loved ones. I will clear the Uchiha name and bring peace to our family in the afterlife." His words sent shivers down my spine.

"I will kill him."

"Is there a reason why you didn't tell her?" Kakashi asked Sasuke after he entered the house through a window, which happened to be to Kakashi-sensei's and Miyu's room. Sasuke frowned and regained his composure.

"How much did you hear?" he asked lowly, worried Miyu would overhear him talking like Kakashi-sensei had heard them.

He didn't particularly like how his sensei was asking about his personal affairs, but he felt a connection with Kakashi that he couldn't explain. Besides, maybe to his teammates the knowledge of who massacred the entire Uchiha clan would be a surprise but to Kakashi-sensei it wasn't.

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