Rise and Shine Princess

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She felt a hand stroking her head and lifted her eyelids.

Flickering her eyes at the sunlight piercing through the curtains she shaded the rays and noticed a dark figure sitting by the bed beside her.

"Mom?" she spoke out.
But the hands that touched her face felt rugged compared to a woman's touch. She squinted her eyes at the figure and in shock she winced away when she realized who it was.

"Get away from me you pervert!" she screamed. "Mom! Mom..." she called out to which her mother dashed into the scene to find her daughter backing away from her boyfriend.

"He was on my bed" Lexx cried.
Her mother took a look at her boyfriend then turned her eyes back at Lexx.
"Well maybe if your gown wasn't as skimpy as it is, you wouldn't have lured him in here" she said.
"Come on George" she called her boyfriend and led the way out of the bedroom.

George turned back and gave Lexx a wink before closing the door behind him and leaving her to loathe and detest herself in disgust for being touched by him.

This has happened way too many times that on this instance, her hate and repulsion turned its direction away from herself and channeled itself to George.

She put her foot down and marched out of her room. With heavy steps down the hallway, she made her presence known to her mother and George before coming to a halt at the kitchen where her mother was puffing a cigarette and George was sipping on his morning cup of tea while reading the newspaper like the usual.

"Mother" she spoke out, holding back her tears and trying to keep her voice as steady as possible. "He had been doing this way too many times now. Why can't you just see that I'm the victim here?"

"Oh. Is that so?" her mother raised an eyebrow as she stubbed her cigarette on the ashtray. "Then tell me why you doll yourself up everyday then complain when someone takes notice of your petty effort?"

Hearing her mother say that made her heart drop. And to Lexx's silence, her mother added salt to her wound by saying, "I'm surprised no one from school has made an advance yet on you. Those little skirts you wear and your hair dangling at the ends of it."

Tears hit the floor at the sound of that and Lexx balled up her little fists.

"I've had it" she murmured with a shaky voice and her head held low, shivering where she stood.

"What is that I hear, little girl?" her mother spoke with a superior tone.

"I have had it" Lexx repeated herself. This time, making sure it was clearer.

Her mother's eyes widened with disbelief. "Is this... supposed to be a revelation?" her mother's tone changed to a peculiar one.

The room was spinning for Lexx, her thoughts were all clogged up in her head, she wasn't thinking straight, but with everything she had been bottling up all these years, she finally decided to push courtesy and gentility aside for once in her life and take a stand for herself because she now understood no one is ever going to. With her voice still unsteady as her wobbling knees, she mustered all the courage she could find within herself and blurted out:

"You. You always blamed me for being the reason why you lost your youth." she started off.

"Well I never asked to be born. That is on you. And if you're going to keep treating me like a mistake for the rest of your life then you might as well distance yourself from this living reminder of your own recklessness than rot under the same roof together!" Her voice regained its normalcy with each bottling thought she blurted out.

"Is this how you should talk to your mother?" George intervened.

To this, Lexx turned her head to him and attacked him verbally too.

"And you. You sick twisted pervert.
Does it give you a sense of superiority to fondle with a helpless fawn? Does it give you encouragement knowing she would be too embarrassed to tell anyone about it? Moreover, does it really feed that gaping hole on your chest the love it demands?!"

_A slap from her mother stopped her from saying anything more.
"How dare you?!" she scolded.

Lexx made no reaction and simply wiped the blood off the cut on her lip.

"And to think I carried you for nine months in me" her voice turned sore from the revulsion against her daughter.

"So tell us Lexx. What is it that you want?" Gorge proposed. "Since, you've become quite the adult to say such things to your own mother." he complete the statement with a vexatious comment that triggered something else in Lexx.

"Mother, you say?" a smile came along with tears. "Define 'mother' "

George and her mother exchanged glances at each other.

"Fine" her mother finally fixed an agreement.
"I am not your mother henceforth, and you are free to do whatever you please at the expense of your own future."

"But" she reminded. "Don't you ever come crying to me if anything goes wrong or if you need any help. After all, you said it yourself. You have no Mother."

That was the last day Lexx saw her mother and George. A week after that, it was confirmed that they had disowned her legally.

To her, this meant she was free of all the torment and insolence along with the harassment the mother's boyfriend would cause. And it brought her a sense of hope for the future as she her closed her eyes and took her first breath of new life.

Lifting up her eyelids she found herself looking at the soft sun rays piercing through the curtains.
She felt the sheets she was lying on and slowly sat up to see she was on her bed. But the sheets were different and the room felt a lot more pleasant.

"Hmm..." she chuckled as a smile lit up her face.

'That wasn't just a dream was it?'
she thought to herself.
'That was my mind recreating everything that happened just about a week ago'

She moved her eyes across the room, looking at the sunlight lighting everything it touched until her eyes reached the window...

"Oh no, Yuki!"
She jumped out of bed.

Her shadow shaded the sunlight that woke him up from his sleep.
"Umm..." he moaned as he stretched with a deep yawn.

"Well hello there" he wished her when he turned to his window and saw her outside of his car.

This time, she greeted him with a smile.
"Somebody's in a good mood" he said as he got out and stood before her that made her lift her chin up to his height.

"You hungry?" he asked and moved on ahead into the house.

'Geesh, did I even say he could go in?' she thought to herself.

"You coming or not?" he called out from the door.

A smile said enough as she proceeding ahead and followed after.

~Rise and shine Lexx. Rise from the ashes of the past and shine for the bright future that waits for you~

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