Meet the introvert

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Behind the tall gates of the grand East View Academy, an announcement echoed through the hallways above the noise of busy students. The School's grand annual Athletics Meet which was to be held in a few week's timing and everyone was at high spirits to be a part of it.
All the five school fields were occupied with athletes in training, its hallways were swarmed with girls hanging posters and decorations, the green boards of each classroom were designed with colourful chalk art done by the Arts and Craft Club. It was the busiest time of the year.

Somewhere in a classroom, swinging her legs on a bench at the back of the class, sat a girl sipping on a tall cup of Chocolate Milkshake. As she pouted her lips on the tip of the straw to sip the last of her milkshake, a voice above the noise caught her attention. "Is there anything we can use as a holder?" One of her classmates nearby spotted her drink and asked "You're almost done with that, aren't you?" She looked at her drink, half full half empty. 'I actually want to finish this' was what she thought to herself before she faced the classmate with a nervous chuckle saying "Sure. Let me just empty it out."

Walking out of the classroom as she contemplated about her inability to say no to people, she stopped at the balcony and paying no attention of what's below her, she took the lid off and dumped the milkshake then headed back into the classroom.
Right at that moment, a group of boys were passing by below and the milk splashed on the one walking ahead of the rest.
"What the..." he stumbled back in shock. Milkshake dripping down the tips of his hair, he tried to get a glimpse of the culprit but all he could catch was a mere glace. "I'll get you for this." He promised himself under his breath as a grudge took over his emotions and he stormed away.

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