Him and His Games

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Proceeding from the school gate, she walks downtown and stops at a cafe. Night approached by the time she moved out of the cafe so she follows the streetlights until she finds her feet stopping at a gate. Lifting her chin up, she finds herself standing before the constant reminder of what once was a home to her, but is now just a rusty old house she returns to after school.

With a sigh she pulled on the gate as it made a creak and she let herself in. Stopping at the front door, she turned down to the doormat where she stood on and stepped aside to bend and lift the mat. "Just where it always used to be" she exclaimed under her breath as she fitted the key into the keyhole. With a click the door unlocked and she slid the door slowly open with a prolonged creak that filled up the dead silence of the darkness.
Her fingers torched for the switch and as she turned on the lights, her eyes searched the room for someone she already knew wasn't there.
However, she still walked into every room of the house to make sure her mother wasn't in any of them. Running her fingers through the walls, memories lit up the gloomy atmosphere as she was reminded of everything they had and once were when she was growing up. Tears hit the floor as her feet came to a standstill before a door. "Why?" she whispered as she tried her best to hold back her tears. She placed her hand on the door nob but pulled her fingers away when she changed her mind about stepping into her own bedroom. Leaning on the door as she slid down to a sitting position on the floor, where she waited for daylight to lighten up the atmosphere while also hoping her eyes would give in so she'd escape to her dreams away from reality.

As she laid her head back against the door and shut out the silence, her mind started drifting to the sound of a distant ringing. Closer and closer it drew itself to her until it became loud enough to wake her up and lure her out of her sleep. She looked around and noticed she was still on the floor but also noticed the ringing could still be heard. Getting up to her feet, she followed the sound down to the hallway where she found the telephone on the table had been ringing the whole time. She reached out and placed the phone over her ear, waiting for a voice. Nothing.
So she lowered the phone but before she could disconnect the call a voice came from the other end. "Mrs. Towika, Mrs. Towika are you there?" Her mother's name made her eyes tear up but she put the phone back to her ear and with a voice that was barely steady she answered, "Y...yes? This is her daughter speaking". The person from the other end didn't seem to care and blabbered on, "Well would you tell that mother of yours to pay up the house rent or be ready to get evicted. It's been two months and my patience is running short!" The landlady was a rather grumpy old woman. "I understand. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. We've been having some financial issues lately. But I assure you it won't take another week." she apologized on her mother's behalf. "Well it better not. Because this is not the first time your mother didn't meet the deadline." the lady mumbled on before she abruptly cut the call.
The girl let out a sigh with the heavy thought of the house rent weighing down her mood. But the telephone rang once more and she tended to it with the thought of continuing from where the landlady left off. "I assure you, by this week..." she went on before she was interrupted by a different voice. "Mrs. Towika if I may ask?" the voice sounded masculine. "N...no. This is her daughter speaking." She continued. "Then would that make you... Miss Lexx Towika?" he enquired. "Yes" she replied. A silence created a gap in between the fone call before the voice started sounding familiar to her when he changed his tone. "Found you" The chuckle he added to the end of the sentence made it clear to her who he was. "How did you get my number?" her tone changed to a firm and rather displeased one. "Oh come on Lexxie, can't I call you up to check on my little troublemaker?" he teased her. "My name is Lexx and I do not need you to check up on me" she started to break away from her introverted nature and a sense of self-worth overwhelmed her accomplishment. Yuki took a pause.
..."Even if I'm already outside?" the sound of his voice saying this made her heart jump.
"What?" she uttered softly in disbelief. "Come and see for yourself... Lexx." He completed.
She didn't buy it. She just couldn't bring herself to believe that Yuki Kanzaki, the School President of East View Academy was standing outside her house at around a late timing of 11 in the night.

But there he was. To her amazement, leaning on the hood of his car parked outside her house was Yuki. "Do you believe me now?" he said, coming over to her with his hands tucked in his pockets and a slightly noticed smile on his lips.
She wasn't quick enough to respond but he already noticed her tear stained cheeks. Pulling out one hand from his pocket, he reached out and held the side of her face as he stroked his thumb across her cheek. "What's all this about huh?" he uttered in a calm tone.
Coming to her senses, she stepped away and distanced herself from him.
. . ."You're afraid of me?" he said. A shade of glum slightly rested on his face when she lifted her lashes up at him. She didn't know what to say because she wasn't sure if she was still afraid of him anymore. But before she could come up with something, his hands slid across her waist as she felt a yank and found herself cupped between his arms. "I'm here dammit. Don't you get it?" she heard him saying above her head.
She would've usually stumbled away and avoided him, she could've broke away from his embrace. But this time, just this time, she let herself feel safe under his arms. Gradually, she started to notice the warmth of his body and his chin resting on her head and a smile lit up.

"Lexx" she heard him say. She stuck her head out from between his hug and looked up at him in response. To this, he laughed and the usual push made its way in. "I have a knack for ruining moments, you should know" He said in his laugh. She took a moment to look at him in his good side then decided to slip in the spoiler, knowing he'd eventually go back to being himself any moment. "And I have classes in the morning" she said. "Don't you?" she added a question. "As a matter of fact, I do" he answered. To that, she suggested, "So, I guess this is..."
"The part where we head inside the house" he completed her sentence with the wrong ending. "Not what I was about to say" she said. "You spent a night in my bedroom if I may recall. I think we should exchange the privilege." he suggested. "Not in a million years" she protested. "You're cold" he said with a pout. "As a matter of fact, I am" she picked a sharp reply and turned to her house. "So you're gonna go warm yourself in there and leave me out here to die?" he said with his arms open. "Yes" came a reply along with the sound of the door slamming.
"Damn" he bit his lower lip with a smirk. "So you wouldn't hold even the slightest ounce of guilt for being the reason I die in the cold?" came a text on her cell phone. "How did he..." she said to herself as she picked up her phone and read it. Then she looked out of her window and saw him wave back at her from his car.
"See you in the morning" a text beeped into his phone and he let out a chuckle as he looked at it. Turning away from his screen to the window that still had a light on, he hoped that at least knowing he was right outside would be enough to let her have a decent sleep in the house she doesn't feel welcomed in anymore.
"Stalker" came a second text which made him laugh. "I think she'll be alright after all" he said to himself.

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