All Eyes On Us

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Leaving the sound of the TV as a background noise to rest her eyes for a second from all the blinking she had been doing in the constant struggle of trying to stay awake for the last 20-25 minutes, she finally lets her eyelids close and takes a deep breath. It didn't feel more than a minute before she starts to find her eyelids beginning to flicker from the light getting brighter. 'Didn't I turn the TV brightness down?' she thought to herself with her eyes still shut. 'Wait, did I leave the Discovery channel on? Why do I hear birds chirping?' she thought again. Slowly lifting her eyelids as she waits for the brightness to dim down, she turns her head around to find her staring at the sofa on the other side of the room. Instantly she sat up to find herself on his bed and swung her head to the other side to see Yuki standing by the mirror adjusting his necktie. "Good morning Goldie Locks" he wishes at the reflection of her puzzled face in the mirror. "You...when... how...?" she mumbled to herself as she looks around the room to see the curtains drawn, the soft morning sun rays piercing through the windows onto the soft sheets she was laying in. She immediately felt her shoulder to realize she still had her clothes on and let out a sigh of relief. "If your bra is what you're looking for, we can look for it together" he turns back saying. A gasp escapes her mouth and she shields her upper body with her arms wrapped around it. A laugh comes out of Yuki as he turns back to the mirror buttoning his sleeve. "So are you gonna get out of there or should I come get you myself?" he proposes a set of options. Taking her silence as an advantage he turns away from the mirror, walks to the foot of the bed and gives the sheets a sharp pull. To this, she gets yanked down below him and finds his arms blocking her from both sides as she looks up to see him wearing a smirk as he says "Come and get me it is then."

The door opens at that moment when one of the maids pushing a room service trolley pops in with breakfast. "Good morning master Yu__" she stops when she spots her master pinning down a young girl in bed. "Ah... I'll just come back after some time! Carry on." she hurries away and grapples the door nob. To the sound of the door slamming shut, Yuki's face lit up with a rather cute smile as his hair covers his eyes and he pulls himself away to leave her blushing on the bed.
She hears him walking to the door and calling his maid back in again but she still couldn't stop her face from blushing like a ripe plum neither able to bring herself together yet. "Stupid boy... stupid boy... stupid boy..." she hears herself mumbling as she stares at the ceiling.
She did however recover from it and got dressed back into her uniform with a full belly after breakfast just in time for school (after chasing Yuki out of his own room and making him wait outside). He hears the door nob unlock and looks down beside his shoulder to see her stepping out of the room all ready but not sparing him a glance. He pulls his back off the wall and walks forward for her to follow after. "Mom, Dad, I'm out." he shouts out as he leaves for the door. "They left this morning master Yuki" said his butler. "Why do I even bother?" he said as he reaches for the car keys and steps out to slide into a deluxe Cadillac parked outside of the mansion for him. "Madam, if I may..." The valet suggested as he opens the car door for her to step in. She gets on her seat and adjusts her backpack. "I'd worry about the seatbelt more than the backstrap if I were you." he suggested as he backs the car and makes a swift drift before zooming straight ahead to which she gets tossed back on her seat. "There he goes, eh Albert?" said the valet to the head butler. "Master Yuki has turned to quite the man in such short notice." said Albert as he watches Yuki zoom down the streets in his car with a girl.

On their way to school, she mostly looked out of her window as they drove by until the streets became familiar and stopped by the school gates. "IDs please" said the gatekeeper and both of them passed him their IDs. The gatekeeper was the first one to give them a double glance. He'd never seen Yuki with a girl before throughout his whole academical life in school. From then on, everyone's eyes darted at the two of them. Starting from the gate to where they parked at the school's parking zone.

As she lay foot on the ground, every girl on campus glued her envious eyes on the lucky girl Yuki rode with to school and every boy checked her out to see if she's the school's most wanted babe now. While Yuki seems to barely notice all the attention and walks on untroubled, she was however drowning in the pool of judgement from all the bad vibes she's getting from the girls. And if there's one thing Yuki loves doing, it's to make it worse for her. So with everyone's eyes on them, he slid his arm around her hip and pulled her close to him teasing, "Smile baby girl. They love us."
She pulls his hand away from her hip and watches him enjoy the show with a frown on her face before she storms away into the school building leaving him behind. Before she could make her way to class she hears his footsteps thumping on the floor and comes to a stop when she turns back to see him catch his breath and stick out his arm handing her a tiffin bag. "Here," he said. "A parting gift from the maids at home." (For a more sarcastic way of saying it's her lunch). She reaches out and takes it without saying anything. "Alright then." He says with a sigh before he takes off again. "Catch you later alligator." he completes it and brushes his hand on her head, messing her hair up.

Adjusting her hair back into place, a thought went through her mind.
'Wait, is Yuki actually being nice to me?'

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