You're So Beautiful When You Cry

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The proceeding day, the girl was on her way to class. Walking down the hallway with her books held between her arms, white socks pulled up to the thighs, cute little grey plaited skirt slightly tossing with the breeze, a fitting black blazer and her wavy dark-chocolate hair that hung down gracefully to the ends of her skirt.
"Attention campus" the speakers turned up. "This is Tracey, live from the studio and it's April but it feels like Valentine's with today's head announcement. Does this sound familiar to anybody?" The RJ started off the morning announcements rather strange but it didn't seem to get the girl's attention at first. But as the RJ continued reading further, the things she heard started becoming familiar to her until she realised she was reading her Personal Diary. Though the identity of the writer remained anonymous, seeing how everyone around her started laughing and murmuring to one another cut deep into her sentiments. She was slowly buried in the crowd as she made her way out of all the giggles, catcalls, wooing and whistles the students made to the sound of the RJ reciting what she wrote about her daily struggles with socialising and acceptance until she managed to push herself out and bail out of the school building.

With tears blurring her vision and her hands cupping her face, she bolted out the backdoor and dashed straight ahead but felt a hand grabbing her from the side as she got yanked and dragged to the backyard of the school. She tried to scream but she felt a hand pressed against her lips and she flickered her eyes to catch a glimpse of what was going on but her tears blurred her sight. All she heard was the sound of her feet getting dragged against the dirt as she tried to resist from being pulled any further, the low voices of boys murmuring to one another and her heavy panting as she constantly tries to catch a breath of air from being suffocated by the grip over her mouth. She tried to use her hands but they were held back so tight that they felt like snapping. She tried to scream her pain out but all that was let out were pitiful moans. Tears of pain ran down her cheeks as she shut her eyes and screamed through the hand that sealed her lips tightly together. The more she tried to run, the more her knees got scraped against the dirt from the struggling. She then felt herself getting yanked up and pushed against a surface then felt a tight clench wrapping around her till she was too stiff to move or budge. It finally stops and she noticed the air around her turned silent and her vision clears up when she finds herself _Roped to a tree; facing the ground, watching each tear dropping off and hitting the dirt. She then slowly lifts her face up, and as the wind brushes off the strands of hair from her face, standing before her was a smiling Yuki Kanzaki.

A minute ago, she suffered utter humiliation yet Yuki was still in the mood to make it even worse. A close observer would have noticed the fact that she was in pain and enough had been done to her. Yuki did not dismiss that fact however, for maybe it was just exactly what he wanted to see. With his hands behind his back, he walked up to her and she kept her head low for his face became distasteful to look at, knowing who was behind it all. His footsteps came to a stop then she felt his fingers sliding up her neck as he lifted her face up by the chin. Bending down to her pretty face, he gave her a look through his Hazel brown eyes and out of the smirk he gave came out a voice that said, "Oh don't cry Princess, we hadn't even gotten to the best part yet."

He drew himself away from her and stood aside to let her see his friends behind him standing in a horizontal queue beside one another bouncing water balloons from on hand to the other. And at the beck of his command "Let's play" _water balloons came flying at her, drenching her in cold water. She shut her eyes and panted as the water repeatedly splashed at her face and the frigidness of the water sent a chill down her legs that made her shiver. Her cries of plead was to no avail as the more she wept the more balloons kept coming at her. Her uniform was all soaked from head to toe. Water dripping down from the ends of her long hair, her thin blouse soaked in water and the rope that they wrapped around her with was the only thing holding her up to keep her standing. "A hundred on the face." said Yuki. "You get a bull's eye, you take home the prize money." The boys looked at one another then Renzo, one of them stepped up with his arm tossed back for the throw saying, "Watch and learn boys."
__ "Teachers!" said one of them running their way from a distance. "Alright, split up." Said Yuki adjusting his sleeve buttons and they all went their different directions. He gave one last look at the drenched girl but a voice from behind stopped him. "Yuki, give it a rest. The girl can barely move." As Yuki turned back he noticed his best friend Jayziel walking up to him. He turned again to the girl with a displeased look then flipped out his handkerchief from his pocket and threw it at her saying, "Wipe yourself off. I don't want you distracting the other students' attention in that condition." Then walked past his best friend's shoulder, regardless of how bad he broke her.

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