'Zatk'nis, mu'dak.', Illiana growled.

'Woah, what's he done to you?', V asked.

Illiana glared at V.

'Right, it's the bosses secret. You can't tell.', he laughed, leaning back onto the ledge, staring up at the black sky.

'How do you work under someone?', V inquired, 'Doesn't it piss you off?'

Illiana looked down at the ground, unable to answer V.

The door to the roof burst open, it's hinges almost flying apart.

'RUN!', Jimin wheezed, bent over, clutching his knees.

'Where?!', V asked looking around the terrace.

'They're coming!', Jungkook came through the door, panicking, 'They've taken the lift. WE NEED TO GO!'

'RM, what the hell are we supposed to do?!', V grumbled into his mic.

Suga replied, 'Hold on, we're trying to connect Iosif so he can talk to you direct- Ah! Okay, I got it.'

'The boys are on the line too, Mr. Iosif.'

'Good. Men, it's simple, I just have one instruction.', Iosif spoke.

'The quicker, the better, dude.', V whispered.

'Correct.', Iosif mumbled, 'Kill Sawyers.'

'WHAT?!', all three of the boys shouted.

'No.', RM said.

'No?', Iosif laughed, ' Do it, or it'll be trouble for you and your men, RM.'

'Sir, I don't think you know how agreements work.', RM spat, 'We decided to bring him to you and our one term was that we do not kill unless we have to.'

'Well, now you have to, or I'll see to it that all of you die instead.'

RM sighed on the other side of the line.

'Jin, get them out of there.'

Just then a fierce breeze blew, raising the dust off the ground, making the boys cover their eyes. A harsh beam from a pair of headlights flashed in their faces. Their squinting eyes focused on a large, hovering aircraft.

'When did we get a freaking chopper?', Jungkook said in awe.

A ladder dropped, V and Jungkook climbed up.

'Leave Sawyers there, just get in safely. Jin, is the GPS set aright?', Suga asked.

Adjusting his headset, Jin flicked a few switches in his cockpit, tightening his grip on the yoke.

'Yeah. Is everyone in?', Jin asked the boys.

'Jimin's not on yet.', Jungkook replied, buckling himself in.

'Where's J?!', Jimin yelled over the loud sounds of the helicopter, still waiting one the ground.

'He's holding the cops off!', Jungkook said.

'What? I have to go help him.'

'NO, JIMIN! Just get into the chopper, J will be fine.', RM commanded.

'But we can't leave him!', Jimin yelled back.

'Jimin.', Suga cooed, 'Please get in. We don't have time, the cops are already on the highest floor.'


Everyone's heads snapped to the door of the roof that burst open again. A single policeman was running towards the helicopter.

'Yeah! They have a chopper! We needs all units, I repeat, ALL UNITS!', he yelled into his transceiver.

Jin immediately flew the helicopter higher, the ladder dangling from it.

'PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!', the policeman shouted at Jimin.

Mentally cursing, Jimin jumped up, catching ahold of the ladder that was dangling far up above him.

V stuck his head out of the helicopter, aiming at the policeman, he shot a few times, missing at first. With his face set in a grimace, he yelled at Jungkook.


He checked for ammunition in the gun violently, and tried again. He finally shot the cop from miles up in the air while Jimin was struggling to climb up the wobbly ladder. Jungkook reached down to help him, three fourth of his body hanging out the helicopter.

Jin sharply turned the helicopter towards the left, making all the boys fall against the other side.

They yelled out profanities, rubbing their heads and other body parts that were sore.

'Fuck, I hope J's okay.', V said, utterly exhausted.

'He got shot. God, I hope he's escaped already.', Jungkook prayed, before staring at Jimin.

He look befuddled, like he'd forgotten something.

'What?', Jungkook asked Jimin.

V too, looked up at Jimin's frowned face. He opened his mouth and closed it, not knowing what to say, until he finally spoke...

'Where the fuck is Illiana?'

au. n. 

daydream-daydream ☼

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