Just as I'm about to look away jake chooses to finally make eye contact with me, his red swollen eyes made a small gasp escape my lips.
He looked beat up, not fighting type of beat up but emotionally recked, his eyes didn't go wide and his mouth don't form into a smile, they stayed straight as if he was angry . He tilted his head to the side, a gesture he does when hes confused, and squinted his eyes.
I felt uncomfortable but still didn't find a way to take my eyes off of him. jake just looked so sad but I could be wrong, he could have gone out last night gotten so drunk and now has a hangover, I guess I wanted to believe he was hurt by me but I know better, I had always wanted to hurt him the way he hurt me but even if my accusations were wrong, it still hurt me to find him hurting.

I didn't quite understand my feelings or my heart, for all the things he had done I still cared deeply for him, after all he was my best friend for years without any separation so once that came I couldn't handle it.he knew as well as I did that he had all of this coming to him, all the pain, hurt, and sadness was basically pointing it's arrows directly at him waiting to struck but once it did we both didn't know how I would react.

Only the known is safe, knowing that he was best friend is the safest I have felt since we parted.

"Jessie?" I heard Katie say

I looked over to her wondering when she arrived

"I need to talk to you can we go outside?" she asked

I gathered all my things and followed Katie outside to our oak tree we claimed a few years ago, I laid my jacket out and sat on it with my hands polity clasp together in my lap

"Ok so I want to say sorry for not talking to you, but I have something I need to tell you"

"It's ok" I answered

"I feel like ur the only person I can tell right now an I need you to be supportive of me ok?"


"We'll you see the reason why I didn't go to that party was becuz I had gotten sick, I now that sounds lame but it's the truth, I've been sick for awhile now so I went to the doctors and she told me I was." she stop speaking letting a tear fall down her face

"Your what?" I started to panic thinking the worst has just begun

"I'm pregnant " she whispered

My eyes went wide "your what?"

"I'm pregnant " she said louder this time.

"With who's baby?"

"That's another thing I wanted to tell you , you remember that collage party I had went to a few months back?"


"We'll it was Anthony's party, I didn't know it was at the time but I kinda sorta slept with Anthony "

"You what?!" I whispered/yelled

"I slept with Anthony "


"I'm sorry" by this time she was crying

Just like the friend I am I let all the hurt I felt toward her to wash away and pulled her into my arms "its ok don't cry" I cooed
It wasn't ok what she had done but I know she needed a friend and I couldn't allow my issues to get in the way of her feelings.
Katie had just set her life up for disaster without even knowing it.

After the moment me and Katie shared, we went through all the pros and cons of her new situation, we also decided to tell Anthony as soon as possible, being that I was the only one who stayed in contact with him other then his family I decided to take it upon myself to plan out the whole situation .

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