Chapter 1: Meeting

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Usually, when people talk about the story of how a couple met each other. They probably never heard of the story of how the guy just born out of a casket met the girl who was staring at his naked body while the other people were waving their weapons in panic.

Let me explain it to you...

"Tony!! YOU ASSHOLE!! What did I tell you about making more robots!!"

And then added to the yelling people waving their many weapons. Thunder came through the roof. How does that happen? I don't know...

My brother rushed to my side with glass stuck in his hair, "You okay sis.."

I nod a bit numb at the moment. Crackling of thunder continues as all of us watch, to shocked to do anything. The casket seemed to absorb the energy, but the computer was panicking.

And cue another explosion...
I closed my eyes from the sound as my brother puts his arm around me.


I opened it to see, the god thrown into the air landing safely onto the floor.

Mist started to surround the area as everyone falls into silence. When it cleared, there was a man...

His skin was red that shined with vibrenium and had mechanical eyes that seem to scan the room in question, while a golden stone shined on his forehead.

Most infants cry when they are born into the outside world for the first time. But it seemed that this guy thought the first thing to do was to lunge himself at Thor.

I guess that's what snapped the whole team back to reality as Thor dodges making the red man almost hit the glass, but he stops and sets his eyes on the city.

"Am I crazy... or is that a red robot?" My brother said pointing to the man.

The man hovered clothes rippled around his muscles as he reached back to us.

"I am... very sorry.. I was a bit.. shocked..." his voice sounded like music hitting metal. The man looked at Thor's cape, then formed his own but golden.

"Why does he sound like Jarvis.." the captain took a step forward.

"Jarvis was put into this body, however I am not Jarvis..." he says bluntly.

"Then who are you.."
"You may call me Vision..."

I glared at him, he reminded me too much of Ultron. "When I looked inside your head I saw destruction, complete chaos..."

His mechanical eyes stares back at me, "Check Again.."

"Tony's right we can't defeat Ultron ourselves, he has one of the mindstones. Very powerful and with it on our side!!" The god of thunder said.

"Are you on our side?"

"I'm on the side of life... and Ultron is not.. which is why he must be destroyed..." Vision replies then lifts the hammer with ease and hands it to Thor.

Everyone gaps at him, even the god of thunder. I remember Pietro trying to hold it and he ended up flying into a pile of missles.

What kind of person is he?

"Well you heard him... you got 3 minutes suit up.."

I watched Thor and Vision talk to each other. As both of their capes fly swiftly in the air.

"Earth to Wanda~" Pietro waves his hand in from of me before throwing a jacket into my face.

"Ow!!" I yell, rubbing my nose that hit the zipper. My brother zooms to my side looking at the direction of my sight.

"Why are you looking at the robot?"
"None of your business..."
"Oh? When did you become so rude?"

I brush him off, putting the jacket on. He leans against the wall dressed in a blue shirt and comfortable sneakers with a soft smile on his face.

"What is it?" I said.

Pietro puts his hand in my hair, brushing it softly. "I'm so proud of you сестра.."

сестра, meant sister. I smile back at him "Mom and Dad would be really proud of the both of us.."

The Witch 《Scarlet Vision》Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz