Chapter 2

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He coughed uncomfortably before speaking into the line "Ace, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Nate. I just don't understand why you're so jealous.."

"I am NOT jealous." he barked.

"Nate, calm down. Can we at least have one peaceful conversation for once this month?" a couple seconds went by and he didn't respond. "Nate?" he grunted an agreement. I exhaled a breath "Is this about me and Landon?"

"Why would you think that?" he asked, but it didn't seem like curiosity fueling the question.

"It's just, ever since we started going out you've been acting differently around me..." I paused "and he said you've been acting weird around him too."

"I'm not acting weird!" he protested.

"Yeah, you are."

"Aisly, this is crazy. I just..." I heard a sigh "I just.. Ace, I don't want to lose you and Landon as friends okay? So whatever shit going down between you two, make sure it doesn't get awkward when you break it off."

"How do you know we'll break it off?" I asked sort of insulted.

"Please, Ace. You haven't had a serious relationship since the seventh grade." he said flatly. He was right, of course. I swear, him and my dad are way too much alike, they get along well too. Which was even scarier.

"And the last time you had a relationship, you WERE in the seventh grade!" I joked. He laughed half heartedly, something he rarely does. "Are you sure nothing else is wrong, Nate?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." there was a long pause between us. These silences are becoming more and more common. "Hey," he perked up "tomorrow after school, wanna go to the movies? That new Transformer's movie is out and, c'mon Ace, you know I've been dying to see that!"

"You know Megan Fox isn't gonna be in this one, right?" I chuckled lightly, and could practically hear his dreams crash.

"Ace. Don't joke like that..." he said seriously. 

For the rest of the night we laughed and talked on the phone, just like old times.


"Hey, Aisly!" I heard my name being called by a warm and deep voice. I turned around to see Landon jogging down the hallway, in his lacrosse uniform. I smiled and waved to him and he ran straight into some teacher making her spill all of her books.

"Oh... I uh.." he bent down to help her clean them up, then awkwardly stood up and saluted her. The woman grunted and he broke the salute. I collapsed into laughter and doubled over. He walked glumly over to my locker. "It wasn't that funny Ace.." he muttered with a small smile. I stifled my smile and laughs and shook my head.

"No, no.. of course not Landon." I smiled, and he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against mine. He pulled away too quickly and coughed, I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Hey.. hey guys!" I heard Nate calling from the end of the hallway. I turned around and waved excitedly at him.

"You know, you don't have to worry about him being uncomfortable anymore." I said turning back to Landon.

"You talked to him?" I nodded. "What'd he say? Is he mad at us for dating?"

"I'll tell you about it later" I whispered as Nate walked up to us.

"Hey! Ace, we still going to the movies today?" He said, staring straight at Landon with a goofy smile on his face.

"Yeah, Nate, we are." I giggled, what a dork.

"Awesome!" Nate said. Landon stared at me, his eyebrows raised.

"Me and Nate are going to the movies to see that new Transformers movie." I explained rolling my eyes.

"Oh. Have fun then, I got lacrosse practice anyways." he said looking down at his cleats. 

"Come on, Landon. We can go see a movie this Friday, just me and you. Deal?" I smiled at him, his green eyes perked up.

"Deal." He chirped as he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Bye Nate," he said waving at Nate.

"Bye, Landon." he replied, staring at me. Landon looked from him to my eyes. I shrugged at him and he kissed my cheek again.

"Bye" he repeated. I laughed, and pushed him down the hallway a little.

"Ready?" I said as I turned to Nate. He nodded in response and I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.


"Okay, so one large popcorn for me... a large Mountain Dew.. and Three boxes of those gummy fish thingys." Nate listed off to the worker over the snack counter, who was just barely keeping up. Nate's always had quite the appetite. 

"Why don't you just buy the entire counter?" I joked

"...Can I do that?" he asked the worker, who was positively terrified by this point.

"NATE! Oh my god, c'mon the movie's starting in like two minutes!" I begged. I did not want to be stuck at the snack bar again because of this boy.

"Alright alright, that's it I guess..." he leaned forward over the counter to the worker "for now..." I held a hand over my mouth trying to cover the giggles coming out of my mouth. Nate could always make me smile and laugh. He handed the man the money and took the food.. which the guy had to put in a bag.

"You're ridiculous." I laughed, he chuckled with me and handed me the Mountain Dew.


It was an okay movie,  I mean, I never got into the whole 'super hero' thing. I was sitting in my bed, doing my Physics homework when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and read the text.


hey babe meet me at the lamp post in five?

I smiled at the text from Landon, and quickly got up and got into jeans. I ran a brush through my hair and put on some eyeliner. I tiptoed down the stairs, grabbing my coat, and slipped out the door into the night.


Alright, so I got bored and wrote in the same day. Judge me.

Let me know what you thought, any opinions would be GREATLY appreciated.!

Bye for now!


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