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Nine weeks and four days later...


I missed a period and now it looks like I'm missing another one. I'm trying not to panic, but I can't help it as for the past two weeks I've been throwing up. I have a permanent headache. My boobs kill and I'm a cranky bitch. Poor Kaitlyn for having to live through it with me. The girl is usually in the firing ring when I'm feeling testy.

And Dylan.

I've been mean to him too.

"Tilly," Dylan says, looking more than concerned. "You need to take a test. You're acting the way you did when you were pregnant with Belle."

I blow out a long breath. "I'm pregnant, Dylan. There's no need for a test. I can just feel that I am."

And, Levi and I didn't use protection at the cabin because I thought I was up to date on my shot. But, reading in my diary, I learnt that I'm way overdue.

Like, by four months.

I don't know why I forgot to check. I can only put it down to the stress. My mind was definitely elsewhere.

Dylan rushes forward and wraps me in his arms. "It's okay. You're going to be okay. It's okay. You're okay."

I smile. "How many times can you say okay in a sentence?"

Dylan chuckles in my ear and holds on tighter. "I'm worried you're not okay with it."

Here's the thing.

I'm not upset with the news.

A baby.

My second chance.

It's what Levi will say that has me worrying.

"There should be a pregnancy test around here somewhere," Kaitlyn says, climbing off her bed. "I'll go find you one." 

"Thanks, Kait," I say, watching her leave, thinking how lucky I am to have her as a friend.

I class both her and Jackson as my good friends and I know that when we leave, we'll remain in each other's lives.

"You're making such good progress. I don't want a baby to knock you back," Dylan says, leading me to my bed.

I sit down and cross my legs. "It won't. I have a good feeling about it this time. Like God is giving me a second chance to make everything right."

"Oh, sweetheart," he sits down next to me. "I just worry."

Our relationship is better than ever. We're solid and he's allowing Annabelle to visit at least twice a week. Even us two are gaining a bond. My little girl is everything I dreamt she was and more.

I stayed over at their house on Christmas Eve, enjoying Christmas morning with them and eating a delicious cooked dinner at the table too. We stayed inside this year, but I'm sure they'll venture to the beach like a lot of their neighbours did next year.

They went out of their way to make sure I had fun too, and I did. For the most part, I enjoyed the day and my face ached from the constant laughter. But, there was a big hole in my heart. And, I couldn't forget about the pain of missing him.

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