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Copyright © 2017 by HTELLIS

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I hope you enjoy the ride!


I step back from the counter when the obnoxious prick of a man chucks the soup in my direction, ranting at the top of his lungs that it tastes like sick. It's Monday night which means the beginning of the week for me and the beginning of a long shift. It's six o'clock, and it's the first sitting for hot food and warmth here at Safe Angels homeless shelter. You can expect for it to get rowdy tonight, as we close on the weekends to try to cut down funds and the homeless in the area miss out on the hot meal and friendly chat for a couple of days, making a few restless and agitated when they step through the doors.

"You've changed, McQueen," Jonas leans over the counter and grits his teeth, showing the dirt spread across his cheeks. "Don't forget where you came from. You are no better than us - stuck up whore."

I swallow the lump lodged in my throat twice before grabbing a wad of tissues from the box of Kleenex beside me and use them to clean up my top. Jonas stays where he is eyeing up the lasagne Levi just brought out of the kitchen, the tea towels keeping his skin safe from the bubbling cheesy pasta dish. Jonas licks his lips and hurries to the back of the queue knowing we won't be serving it while it's almost nuclear.

"You okay? I heard some shouting," Levi says, wiping his hands off with the towel, throwing it over his shoulder.

I nod, having to crane my neck up to get a look at his face. The man is a giant. I give my practised smile and nod my head. "Everything's good."

"You sure?" he lifts a bushy eyebrow.

"Positive," I laugh when he starts wiggling his eyebrows, so they look like moving caterpillars. "Get back into the kitchen before Patrica starts to nag at you again."

"Fucking Patricia," he visibly shudders, turning his head in the direction where the middle-aged woman is cooking up a storm with all the donated food. Beans on toast never tasted as good as when Pat makes them. "The woman wants my body."

An embarrassing cackle pushes it's way past my lips. It's safe to say that I have a soft spot for Levi's humour. I push his waist because sadly it's the only part of him I can reach. "In your dreams. I'd like to hear you say that with her husband around."

Levi lets out a small squeal. "Not big Bobby," he bends down, so no one hears, "I think he has the hots for me too."

"God, it's like one big Safe Angels orgy," I reply.

Levi lifts his hands up and nods his head up and down. "Exactly. I think you and me are on the same page," he winks.

I shove him once more. "Kitchen. We have many hungry mouths to feed."

"Aye, Aye, sweetheart," he signals with his fingers against his forehead, slyly tapping my bottom when he escapes out of the dining hall.

I throw my soup soaked tissues in his direction shouting, "Hands to yourself, Levi. It's harassment, you know."

Levi pivots around with a ballerina's grace, licking his finger to strike down on an imaginary board. "One more to me. Better catch up, Tilly."

I choose the childish route and stick my tongue out and put my hands behind my ears to wiggle them. Yes, I'm a twenty-two-year-old adult. Leave me alone. Levi finds it so funny that he loses his balance and topples into the doorframe, smacking his head on the wood. While he tries to get his balance, rubbing the side of his skull, I lick my finger and do the same thing he did to me.

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