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Happy Wednesday!

It's almost the weekend, lovelies!

Who's started their Festive shopping? 🎄☃️

Guess who's taking over the comment section of this chapter? 

Edward and Delilah!

If you have any questions you're dying to know, here's your chance! 😉🙌🏻


Levi kindly offered to take me to visit Delilah this morning. I want to give her the money back that she so kindly lent to me, and when I text her to ask when she was free, she said to pop in at any time.

We stand at the apartment door, ready to knock when the door flies open. Delilah is standing in her pyjamas, Beau plastered to her hip, sucking on what looks to be a teething ring.

"Hey guys," she smiles stepping to the side. "Come inside, but excuse the mess. I've not had time to tidy up yet."

I step over the many toys, waiting for Levi to get distracted by the baby before giving over the cash. I'm yet to tell him about my money meltdown.

I catch Delilah's eye. "Can I speak to you a minute?"

She nods. "Sure, babe. You want a hot drink?"

I follow her to the kitchen. "Tea If you have it?"

"Are you kidding?" Delilah laughs, bending over to open a draw near the stove, pulling out a box of Earl Grey. "It's all Edward drinks."

I rest the money I owe her on the marble island. "I'll have that then please."

Delilah glances at the money and lowers her voice. "There's no rush in paying me back."

"I don't like being in debt," I say, letting out an awkward laugh.

"I get it," she flips the kettle on. "Believe me, I do. How're things?"

I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest in a defensive movement. "Hard. I worry I won't be able to eat soon. Rent is a nightmare."

"Yeah?" her expression softens. "Could you look at cheaper places?"

My cheeks grow warm at the realisation. "Where I live is the cheapest around town. It's an organisation..." for homeless people. I stutter, "it's a place for people who can't afford expensive rates. The problem being the flats are in demand. They only let you off not paying for so long before they kick you out."

Delilah pours hot water into three mugs, dumping a teabag into each of them. "Do you have a friend who can move in with you? Split the cost that way?"

I don't have friends. "Not really."

"What about the landlord? Would they lower the rates until you get to your feet? Our old landlord was good that way."

In all honesty, I don't dare ask in case they take offence and throw me out.

"I'll think of something."

I end the conversation there and then, turning to look behind me when I hear Levi's laugh. Beau is sat on the play mat, pressing buttons on a remote, making a hell of a noise.

"Lee's so good with him," Delilah says, placing my mug in front of me.

I can't stop my smile when Levi reaches out to tickle Beau's tummy, causing the baby to tip back on the mini bean bag and giggle.

Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeries#4)Where stories live. Discover now