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I step into my flat and take in the devastation. There's empty food packages, wine bottles and god knows what else lying on the floor. Stains on the walls, sofa and small glass dining table.

Not that I expected anything else. Jonas is a dirty pig. I take my bag full of leftovers from Green Earth Kitchen and put them in the fridge, spotting Jonas on my mattress as I pass the bedroom.

"Where ye been?" he grumbles, trying to stand up.

I spin around and hold back a wretch at the rancid smell. "What have you done to my home?" I narrow my eyes. "Again."

Jonas sways to the side, finger pointed at me. "You left. I didn't know if you'd come back."

I bend and start to pick up the rubbish from the floor. "It's my home. Of course I'd come back."

"I bet you were out with that posh boy, weren't ya?"

I look up and can barely stand to look at him. Hating that he's always this hateful. "None of your business."

He smiles. "You'll never be good enough for him. Not a whore like you."

I tense my jaw. "Leave me alone."

"You think he'd want you if he knew the truth? The shame you'd bring on his family's good name?"

"You know nothing."

Jonas laughs. "I know you. And you ruin everything you touch."

Not in the mood for an argument, I walk over to the cupboard to get out a glass, filling it up with water out of the tap.

My skin burns when Jonas digs his fingers into my shoulder, tugging me to face his scowling expression.

"Don't ignore me."

I shrug his hold off. "Don't put your hands on me."

"You," he points his finger in my face, "are poisonous to everything you touch."

"No, you are, Jonas. You're a bully. I refuse to listen to your bullshit."

I dodge his hand when it comes flying my way. Quick on my feet, I grab the arm he's using and throw it down.

Jonas too out of his face to react.

"I'm stronger now, uncle. Don't push me," I level him with my furious gaze.

Deep down feeling like a scared young girl.

I want to hide.

I hate that he holds those memories, reminding me of my dark days.

Jonas swears at me, slumping off into the bedroom.

I jump when he slams the door, hurrying to the fridge to get something to take my mind off the anxiety in my body.

I pull out the bag Bailey gave me this afternoon and find her famous bean chilli. I empty the contents into a pan and heat it slowly on the stove, moving closer to get a better smell.

In five minutes the chilli is ready to eat. Not wanting the mess, I take the pan over to the glass dining table and try to make some space to sit down.

Enjoying the flavours, I eat it in no time, burning the bridge of my mouth. When I hear movement from my bedroom, I go back into the kitchen to start tidying up.

Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeries#4)Where stories live. Discover now