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After getting a 'yes' from my landlord, I started painting my bedroom. I wanted to add a pop of colour to brighten the place up. And the grey paint that was on offer looked like it would do the trick. My makeshift drawers are covered with an old bed sheet, along with the carpet in case I spill paint anywhere. I'm halfway through the second wall when my flat buzzer goes off. Putting the roller back in the tray, I wipe my fingers on my old shirt and head for the entrance.

It's Levi on the other end. "Let me up. I'm a dab-hand at painting."

I smile, automatically opening the door for him. "I only have one roller."

"My gift will make your day then," he says, the line going dead, not long after that the sound of heavy feet on the steps follow the silence.

I kick the door open and grin when I see him holding a B&Q carrier bag. "You brought extra supplies?"

Levi hands over the bag to me, lips tilting at the edges. "You bet I did. The good kind too."

Not able to wait, I dig into the carrier bag, finding a multipack of paint brushes. Two rollers and a large tray. Four rolls of pretty wallpaper that almost glitters in a pretty silver and an extra tin of the paint that now sits on my walls.

I open my mouth to thank him when Levi beats me to it. "I forgot the wallpaper paste. But, I figured we could paint first and paper another time."

I squeak. "It actually glitters."

Levi beams. "You like it? I spent bloody ages walking the aisle. Trying to choose one."

I nod, my heart bursting. "It's stunning. Levi, you didn't need to do this."

I get his flirty smile. "Every woman deserves a nice bedroom," he picks up the paint and rollers. "Let's see where you're up to."

Two hours later, all the walls are painted, looking fresh and up to date. The room feeling bigger somehow. I'm here on my own as Levi nipped out to the bargain store down the road to see if they have any wallpaper paste and cream paint for the door and window ledges.

My phone beeps from the mattress and I hurry over, frowning when I see it's an unknown number. I don't usually answer. But, something is telling me to press that green button.

"Hello?" I say, knowing I sound wary.

"Tilly?" Betty's voice echoes down the line and my pulse slows down. "It's Levi's sister Betty. I hope you don't mind me asking for your number? It's just, I'm planning a girly day for Bailey and wondered if you would come along."

It wasn't until she cleared her throat that I realised I was yet to speak. Totally overwhelmed by the invite, I murmured, "Yes, please. I'd love to come."

"Oh, great," she says, giving a gentle giggle. "We're going to the beauty parlour for a pedicure, so bring flip flops. Is it okay if I text you over the details? I would stay to chat longer, but I'm going wedding dress shopping with Delilah."

"Yes, of course you can text me. Don't hate me if I don't text back. I'm always running out of credit."

Betty hums, "Don't worry. If I don't get a message back, I'll call you."

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