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Friday comes around quicker than I thought it would, Levi and I's cabin trip within touching distance. It's been a weird few days and a week I want to finish. I haven't heard any more from my mum - not that I expected to. There's a lot of broken promises where my parents are concerned.

It doesn't mean that I stop checking my phone for any messages, though.

"It can get rowdy in here," Levi says, leading me to the booth where his family sit.

We're in the Number One pub tonight, here to support Betty. It's filling up fast with a lot of fans still queuing outside. Levi says that it's always a good turn out for her, and I believe it.

"I'm getting the drinks in," Dexter says, stopping next to us, smiling at me. "Looking lovely, Tilly."

I'm in an old, burgundy mini skirt and cream polar neck jumper that I got on sale at Primark. I wanted to make an effort. It's the smartest clothes I have in my wardrobe.

"Thank you."

"What do you want to drink?"

"Diet Coke, please." I need a clear head.

"You got it," he turns to Levi, his hair seeming shorter than when I last saw him. "You, bro?"

"Same as Tilly."

Dexter makes his way towards the bar, stopping to chat with a few guys. "Dizzy!" he shouts, slapping the guy on the back.

"Leave him to it. They'll be talking for hours," Levi laughs, waving to his dad who is making his way towards us.

Viktor kisses my cheek. "Nice to see you."

I tilt my head up to get a better look at the older Larsson. The guy is striking. "Good evening."

"Let me through," Selma says, aiming my way with open arms. "Tilly, come and mix with us girls."

I can't help but stare at her t-shirt, seeing Betty's smiling face. Is Selma sporting the merch? I love it.

I turn to Levi, not wanting to abandon him. "Is that okay?"

The tenderness in his eyes is enough to melt my insides. "Go for it. I'll be right here if you need me."

I give him a cheeky smile, letting Selma walk me to the table full of females. I can feel my inner-shyness wanting to show its head, but I push it away, smiling instead. I recognise a few faces, but there's a lot I don't.

"Tilly," Delilah's excited voice echoes in my ear before she crashed into me and hugged me so tight, I struggle to breathe. "I'm so glad you came. Let me introduce you to my family."

I'm faced with a blonde haired girl with her hair piled high on top of her head and lips painted a blood red. "I'm Sabrina," she forces me into a hug. "Delilah's sister."

I'm about recovering from her enthusiasm when another woman - who's the spitting image of Delilah - presses two kisses on my cheeks.

"Delilah's mum. And you are?"

"Levi's girlfriend," I say, noticing how Selma grins at my words.

Sabrina ooh's and ah's. "Lovely! Levi is sweet," she starts to giggle. "You lucky thing."

Delilah nods. "Levi has such a good heart. You're safe with him, Tilly."

I get a giddy buzz in my belly. "I can count on him. I don't stop laughing in his company. My life has lit up with him in it."

Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeries#4)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя