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A worn, dirty jumper heads my way, and I don't waste any time in putting it on my shivering body. Jonas is smoking weed next to me, and one of his friends is trying to persuade me to do the same. It will calm my nerves, but I don't enjoy the feeling it gives me. I like to be in control.

"Things go south with the rich boy?"

I wrap a blanket over my body and turn to Jonas. "Yeah."

The smile on his face is destructive. "I did tell you."

The blanket smells of dogs and body odour when I settle it under my chin. "I wasn't good enough for his family. I decided to save him the trouble and leave before things got painful."

Kade, one of Jonas' buddies pipes up. "You want a shot?"

The needle shines under the light, and my throat starts to seal shut. "No. Get that stuff away. I'm here, but I refuse to take part in your activities."

"Oooh," he laughs, laying back, arm resting on his bent knee.

"It might help you," Jonas says, nudging my side with his elbow. "You look upset."

There's a bottle of what looks to be codeine in his hand, and the more I stare at it, the more I want a sample.

"I am upset."

A strange look passes over his face, almost as if he feels sorry for me.

"I'm no good with words," he moves his hand, the tablets rattling against the plastic. "But, I know these can help. They've helped me."

It's sad when you think about it. A fifty-something man on the streets while his family live their lives like he doesn't exist anymore.

We all have our problems.

It's how you deal with them.

I reach out to take the bottle from him. "Thanks, maybe one won't hurt."

"Or two," he laughs.

My lips tip up at the edges when I unscrew the lid and pour the tablets into my palm. Several fall out, and I can't find it in me to put them back inside the tub. I know once the drug is in my system I'll feel better.

Kade passes over a two-litre bottle of lemonade. Three more sit near his legs. "You need something to wash it down?"

I frown. "How you get those?"

He shrugs. "Stole them."

"That's awful. How do you expect the public to respect you if you do shit like that?" I respond.

Kade rolls his eyes. "Darling, I couldn't give two fucks what people think of me."


I put one codeine tablet in my mouth and swallow it down, planning on stopping there until my mind tells me to take another one, two, three. Until six are in my system, and I start to panic.

My eyes fill with tears. "I shouldn't have done that, Jonas."

Jonas wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me towards his chest. "You're okay. Close your eyes. You'll be asleep in a minute."

I can't stop my fingers from shaking. My whole body, actually. "I need more."

"Give it a few hours. You don't want to O.D."

What've I done?

I wipe away the tears slipping down my cheeks. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I've lost everything."

Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeries#4)Where stories live. Discover now