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OH, MY GOD, this is not happening to me. Is the only thought in my mind when I wake up, fingers gripping a cold glass of water, the other holding a bowl with Levi sat in front of me. I'm in a house I don't recognise - a beautiful house - but, still, one that isn't familiar to me. I see a blonde woman standing to the side, her features taught in either concern or annoyance.

I'll bet on the latter.

And a guy who shares the same eyes as Levi, watching quietly from his seat on the sofa across from me. He doesn't look impressed. Not one bit. I try to avoid eye contact, but it's hard when my mind keeps turning to mush every few seconds. I'm confused, embarrassed, exhausted, and petrified that I'm coming down from a high.

"Are you back with us?" Levi says, a gentle smile on his face.

I remember taking the pill from the guy in the bar, but that's it. There's a wall in my memory, blocking the night. I'm so ashamed I can barely stand to be alive. Waste of space. Good for nothing, druggie.

I lower my gaze, stomach threatening to spill. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you."

Levi crawls closer, resting the bowl to the side so that he can take my hand. "No apologies. They're not needed. All I'm bothered about is how you feel. What did you take, Tilly? Do you need a doctor?"

I can't answer him because I don't know myself. It could be anything. "I don't know what I took, but I know that I don't need a doctor."

Levi blinks hard. "Do you realise how dangerous it is to take drugs from strangers? It could have killed you."

I don't need him to badger me about my stupidity. I already know that I messed up, and the thousands of times before last night. "I'm aware how dangerous it is."

"Then why do it?" he says, pushing my patience.

I need to leave, or I might say something I regret. It's too much too fast. How dare he demand answers. We don't even know each other. Using all the strength I have inside my body, I sit up, putting the glass on the table behind Levi with my shaky hand.

"I should go," I say, avoiding eye contact, the pattern on the rug beneath my feet stealing my attention.

Levi's towering over me in a second. "You're not going anywhere in that state. You need to sleep it off."

I stick my ground, staring up at him. "You don't intimidate me."

Levi's eyebrows knit together so tightly, they join into one. "I'm not trying to scare you."

"Then stop overbearing me," I say back, feeling like the room is closing in on me.

I pull my top away from my neck. "It's too hot in here. I need some air."

Levi strides after me when I wonder out of the room, turning the corner to see the door. I take a chance that it's a way to escape, expecting to open it to find a dead end. To my relief, when the door is open, I see a big cream stone built house and a winding pathway.

"Tilly," Levi shouts, the pebbles on the ground crunching under our feet. "Why the heck are you running out here like your arse is on fire? I want to help you. You scared the shit out of me tonight."

I cross my arms over my chest, following the pathway, not wanting to face reality today. Or ever. "How do you get out of this place? It's all frigging trees and bushes."

"Wait for a second, will you for fuck sake?" says Levi, trying to get in front of me.

I couldn't be any more embarrassed than I already am until I almost stumble into a man in his dressing gown, greying hair curling around his forehead and into his eyes. My feet come to a halt, gaze wavering when he stares down at me, frowning.

Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeries#4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant