Little Fox Big Wolf~tears may fall~Chapter Twenty

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Hello Lil foxes, welcome back to Little Fox Big Wolf  I won't chat for too long but sorry the last chapter was out so late I sorta fell asleep writing it XD but anyway the last chapter was left on a cliffhanger so let's get on with it...

Aaron stands there heartbroken and furious at the same time, was she kissing him back...? Maybe he shouldn't stop Gene....but she was pushing away so maybe she didn't want this either way she looked uncomfortable...He had to do something anything to get her back. Aaron walked over trying to remain calm but lost it when he saw her starting to cry that's when he pulled the back of Gene's shirt and just when he turned to look what was happening Aaron punched Gene right in the face, "You get off of her you creep she obviously doesn't want to kiss you!" Aaron shouts, Summer steps back scared and shaking it had all happened so quickly from her and Aaron having a great time to suddenly Gene kissing her then Aaron murdering Gene, "What the hell Aaron I was kissing her because I like her! You can't just come over and punch me for no reason!" Aaron pushes him to the ground disgusted, "It doesn't mean you can force her to kiss you when she obviously doesn't want to!"Aaron shouts back, Gene gets up and tries to punch Aaron back in the face but he catches his fist, "So what I like her we kissed, I will mark her before you!"Gene snickers holding his bloody nose, this makes Aaron get even more mad "She can choose who she wants!" Summer looks at them both scared not knowing what to say, "N-no-n-no I can't do this!" She runs off crying Aaron drops Gene and runs after her leaving Gene on the floor with a bloody nose. 

He catches up to her as she sits in front of the sea crying holding her knees , "Summer I-I am so sorry you had to go through all that

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He catches up to her as she sits in front of the sea crying holding her knees , "Summer I-I am so sorry you had to go through all that..." His voice was shaky and it was clear he had been crying because his eyes were a little red and puffy, "No...I'm sorry you had to see Gene kiss me..." She looks back at him from the sea as he comes over and sits next to her, "Aaron are you okay? It looks like you've been crying..?" He wipes away his tears with his arm then holds her cheek wiping hers away softly with his thumb, " I'm fine I know I'm sorry I should be the one asking you if you're okay.." she looks up at him confused but also blushing faintly from how close the two were, "I'm fine I promise you don't have to say sorry, I just want to know what's going with us" she smiles Aaron lets out a deep sigh his voice gets soft and serious, "We've been just friends for a long while now, and I don't mind that it's just when-when I'm around you I-I just... I can see myself enjoying a movie with you or hanging out or just anything together in those moments it's just us...It doesn't matter what we're doing I just love being with you." Summer's face goes red by his heartwarming words and the way he said them she finds the words to say but stutters them nervously, "A-Aaron you can't be serious right now what are you trying to say?.." he nods and says something again, "I am being serious I just love you so much it hurts I can't be your friend anymore" Summer's face looks confused. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?...." This makes Summer go redder, "Oh Aaron but what would everyone else think about me being their alpha female and all the other girls that like you the ones that are better than me " Aaron chuckles, "I told everyone this morning that I thinking about asking you out sometime soon and god Kayla has been bugging me for so long." Summer chuckles and blushes as Aaron takes her hands in his, Summer gasps and gets overly flustered, "Aaron you know I snore in my sleep right I also spend too much time on the internet I'm terrible at doing laundry, watch way too much crime documentaries like a ridiculous amount I know how to get away with murder, sometimes I drink straight from the milk carton too, plus I read and write way too much fanfic and sometimes it involves you but I mean wait no I didn't say that haha what I meant was that it just I-" she's cut off by Aaron pulling her into a deep kiss and this time she kisses back because she likes it and she...she wants him. 

He pulls away, "I don't talk much to people outside of the pack I don't often trust people who I believe to be human very easily , I'm very blunt in what I have to say and you're not the only one who drinks from the milk carton but that doesn't matter to me I love you for you, now let me ask you again Summer Lycan will you be my girlfriend?" Summer blushes and starts crying again but this time tears of joy, "Yes yes I'll be your girlfriend." She pulls him into a kiss again and he kisses back as the sunset behind them...

" She pulls him into a kiss again and he kisses back as the sunset behind them

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Later the next morning...

Aaron calls everyone to the main room, even Gene came to see what all the fuss was about, "I have an announcement I mean we have an announcement..." He takes Summer's hand in his. "OMG YOU'RE PREGNANT !!" Kaitlyn blurts out. Summer goes extremely red, "No no no I'm not pregnant no one's pregnant I swear." Aaron chuckles pulling her closer, "Actually the big announcement is we've begun dating as of today." Kayla jumps for joy and people cover their ears as she screams, "IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME  see see I win the bet I said that they would get together by the end of the day now pay up Katrina." She giggles mischievously taking some money from Katrina who looks rather unimpressed. "Summer I'm gonna take you out and treat you to a nice meal with all this money I've won you're going to tell me ALL about it." She chuckles and Summer agrees.

Okay, that's it for now but anyways until next time goodbye...🦊🥀

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