Little Fox Big Wolf~ A night with him~Chap two

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Here is the second part to Little Fox Big wolf

||Monday 3:0pm||

Summer took her key back and unlocked her room and the door swung open, " this is big." It was a medium-sized room way bigger than her room at home it had a double bed a black two seated sofa a tiny tv on the wall and a small wardrobe, "I am gonna have so much fun decorating this room." She smirks, she quickly runs in flopping on the bed, "Oh my god this bed is amazing!!!" Summer laid there for a couple of minutes. Aaron stood in the doorway smirking, "Wow you have a nice view of the forest behind this dorm room." summer looks up her eyes lit up her Mother said no one could find out she was a hybrid but she didn't say she couldn't transform.....

"I am gonna have plenty of walks in there for sure." She sits crossed-legged on her bed, in a corner of the room there were a large pile of boxes. Aaron chuckled," Do you need help unpacking?" Summer nods eagerly and they set to work, "You can assemble all the flatpack furniture   because I am hopeless at assembling anything with more then five screws." She laughs and Aaron smirks as they both set to work after nearly the full day they finally had finished, "Done." Aaron says, "Done!!" Summer shouts happily,  as she was finishing off her chill corner, "Looks good." summer turned around "Wow you are good at building waaaay better at building furniture than me." she giggles pinning the last of the fairy lights above the reading corner she'd put together.

 "What's that?" Aaron walks over to her  and picks up a fox plushie he moves it around in his hands "It's a fox you dummy." She quickly grabs it off him she had had this fox teddy since she was a child Aaron let's her take it back, "Cool are we all done?" summer nods then looks up at the clock 6:45pm, "Wow we took nearly three hours and we finished I say we did well for like twenty million-odd boxes." she giggles and then strides over to the bed plopping her self down. she closes her eyes...Aaron comes and lays next to her. Summer opens her eyes slightly blushing softly by how close she was to him she breathed in taking in his full scent it was very human but there was also something else but what could she say she hadn't been around many guys her age.

Her hand brushes against his and her eyes go amber as she has another vision there were some woods and in the woods was a black wolf with red-eye she quickly let go and turned away from him, "Something wrong?" He asked looking at her she shook her head " just had a chill down my spine." Rain started to pour down heavily outside the window rumbling a bit. Aaron turns to the clock "Shoot it's already eight I'm gonna have to head back soon." Summer frowns "but you said your place was quite far and's already dark and rainy outside can't you just stay on campus you can't drive in this condition" He looks at her "Are you asking to have a sleepover? I am a complete stranger you know?" she blushes softly "I.. I guess but we've basically spent the whole day together and I know your name so I'd call you a friend" he grins, "okay friend it's easier then driving home in the pouring rain" Summer hurried into the bathroom carrying her pajamas her mind was all over the place and her heart was beating fast all she could think was "Ararara a hot guy is gonna be sleeping in my room.

she came back out wearing her pj's which consisted of  shorts and a tank top Aaron stared at her blushing he unable to take his eyes off "Stop drooling!" she hits him playfully in the shoulder "Where do you expect me to look at? The ceiling?" He smirks before going into the bathroom Aarons's mind was also thinking a million thoughts was he seriously gonna sleep in the same room as this cute girl...they'd only know each other for a day but he felt so connected. He quickly snapped out of it and changed coming out only wearing his sweatpants Summers eyes go wide trying to stare at his abs she blushes red and Aaron catches her "Who's drooling now" she chuckles "Hey ..!" She pouts getting under the covers of her new bed. Aaron took and pillow and a blanket and set them out on the floor getting comfy.

 The room was dim "You still awake?" Aaron rolled onto his back. Summer was dying trying not to make a sound she was blushing like mad "Summer...?" Aaron whispers making summer groan "whaat?" Aaron chuckles"Just wanted to know you were still awake you can sleep now." he makes a teasing kissing noise, "Night~"He teased Summer was practically screaming in her mind at this moment she closed her eyes falling asleep quickly. 

To be continued......

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