Little fox Big wolf ~ First day~ Chap one

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Welcome to Little Fox Big wolf I will publish episodes when I want and I may get into a schedule but anyway hope you enjoy the book...

    ||Monday September 2018 6:40am||

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    ||Monday September 2018 6:40am||

Summer laid in bed still asleep even though her alarm was beeping like mad, she rolled over trying to ignore it until her mother came in and yelled at her to stop being lazy and get up. It had been like five minutes before her mother opened the door, "Come on sleepy head time to get up It's your first day of college today remember?" Summer sits up straight immediately. Did she hear her mother correctly? "It's Monday like right now like the 2nd of September right now!" Summer's mother nods without a second thought summer quickly jumped out of bed "I thought it was next week" she shouts. She hadn't had a shower or even picked out her clothes yet ...she was so unprepared. 

She ran to the bathroom taking a quick shower then changed into many different outfits before finally choosing some black slit ripped jeans and a red flannel shirt. Today was the day! Summer rushed downstairs she had packed her bag a weeks ago her mother handed her a plate stacked with pancakes "Yes! Pancakes my favorite!" she smiles warmly at her before sitting down and devouring the plate of pancakes "What time do I have to been there for?" she says her mouth half full her mother walks back into the dining room, "You have about an hour so you better hurry up because to get there it's a 40 minute drive." This made summer eat even faster. 

When she'd finished she took one good look around her room, most of her stuff had been sent in a box to the college already so she only had one box to take herself, she had left it by the door in it it had a picture of her and her mom, her diary full with secrets and story's, her jewelry box she'd had since she was like 5, her scrap book full of memories and a couple more personal stuff. she picked up the box from the side of the door "I am setting off now then." Her mother ran to her embracing her in a tight hug, "I am gonna miss you sooo much darling." she starts to tear up, "Me too mom." She buries her face into her mom's neck her mom pats her back, "Promise to behave and to call me every hurry or you'll be late." Summer lets go grabbing her car keys off the hook next to the door, "Bye then I love you." she smiles wiping the tears away "Bye my darling." Summer went out of the door towards her little car putting her box on the passenger seat and sitting in the driver's seat before setting off she had set a GPS on her phone so she didn't get lost. 

When she finally arrived she stood in the car park looking around "hmm I didn't think this far now what..." She stood there unsure where she should be until a voice calls out "Hey you new or are you just daydreaming?" Summer's gaze turns to a tall boy he had dark brown hair lightly tanned skin paired with a cute smirk Summer could feel her cheek flushing as he towed over her petit self.

" She stood there unsure where she should be until a voice calls out "Hey you new or are you just daydreaming?" Summer's gaze turns to a tall boy he had dark brown hair lightly tanned skin paired with a cute smirk Summer could feel her cheek flush...

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"Hello?" He said Summer snapped out of it and looked away like she wasn't just blushing "huh..oh uh yeah I am new here.." The guy smirked and held out his hand "Aaron..and you?" Summer went to shake his hand "Summer" as their hands met she had a flash when she held another supernaturals hand the only thing she could make out was a dark black wolf with red eyes her vision snapped back she was breathing heavily Aaron was waving his hands in her face "Hey are you alright..?" Summer nods quietly trying to understand what she just witnessed "Y..yeah just remembered something." She quickly let go of his hand hopefully he couldn't sense what she was because she had masked her smell as best as she could "I should get going..." she looked around, "If I knew where that was..." Aaron smirks and laughs "Maybe I could be of help where is it you need to go?" summer reaches in her bag pulling out a piece of paper she had printed out the email they had sent her her eyes scanned the paper "Student Services for a package" Aaron nods "I know where that it is follow me" summer nods back.

They set off out of the car park and into a building where they reach a small crowded window a sign above reads STUDENT SERVICES "This is it I guess." Aaron muttered Summer smiles "Thanks so much." He flashes a smile back before wandering off "Now I just need my room key and my timetable." she waits in line for a few minutes before reaching the front "I need my room key and my schedule please." The office lady looked away from her computer "what's your name honey?" They say sweetly summer replies "My name is Summer Lycan..." The woman stood up and wandered to a filing cabinet she opened it and flicked through some stuff before pulling out a big white envelope with her name on it she hands it to summer "All the stuff you need is in here..okay if you need any more help just come here someone will always be here to help you." Summer nods taking it and walking away she rips it open inside was her schedule her dorm key and some help sheets and club forms "ill go to my dorm and unpack all the millions of boxes" she took out the key then put the envelope in her bag.

 "A204...? ugh I wish Aaron didn't go I need him so I can find the room" And it was as if she had wished he was here because she heard his voice again, "You need help finding your room shorty?" she looks up at a little surprised and flustered, "How am I short I am 5 ft 4..!" She pouts annoyed and he looks down on her "whatever you say cutie." He smirks making Summer blushes "c-cutie" Aaron chuckles "Now are you gonna tell me what you need, cutie?" she pouts "w-w..whatever can we just go to my room. .." Aaron rolls his eye and sighs "Fine what room are you in" Summer looks back at her key "A204 Is what my key says."  Aaron grins "Well what are the chances your room is quite close to where we are" Summer sighed with relief she wouldn't have to drag her boxes that far then. "Where's your dorm room then?" She asked hopefully it was near so she could have a friend. Aaron felt a bit hesitated to reply, "I have a dorm here but I don't really use it I just keep like my gym stuff and use it to study but I live off campus at a shared accommodation." She wasn't surprised he looked like a second or third year so he probably had the money spot live off campus that's why he looked so confident and knew his way around. "Come on then let's go find that dorm of yours." He says snatching the key from her hand and began walking.

To be continued...

Little fox Big wolfWhere stories live. Discover now