Little Fox Big Wolf~Preparing for a wild night~Chapter Nine

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Hey my Lil foxes, Chapter nine is here I hope you enjoy it, so here it is...🦊🥀

"Aaron before we go back we have to get Katrina a present" Summer says putting the bags in the trunk Aaron nods "Yeah," summer thinks for a second realising she doesn't know her at all "what kind of things does she like?" They both get in the car and Aaron starts the engine "Well she's a witch so I have in mind what she might like" They drive for quite a while until they come to a part of town summer didn't recognise. Aaron parked outside "Come on Kat loves her magic and has always wanted one of these." They both get out of the car and walk into the Ominous-looking Magic shop, a little bell rang when the door opened and a rather pale girl with purple hair looks up "How may I help you today Aaron?" She says in a cold voice, they get to the counter "It's Katrina's birthday and we need a gift, any idea if she's been looking at anything in particular I know she comes here a lot to buy her stuff," the girl thinks for a while then smiles "She did come in not long ago she said her staff had lost its magic, I know just the thing she would love" she goes into the back then comes out with a rather beautiful staff with a deep blue crystal in the centre...

" They both get out of the car and walk into the Ominous-looking Magic shop, a little bell rang when the door opened and a rather pale girl with purple hair looks up "How may I help you today Aaron?" She says in a cold voice, they get to the count...

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"Wow that's beautiful" Summer smiles, the girl puts it on the counter Aaron takes out his wallet "How much will it be?" The girl chuckles "Since it's her birthday it's on me I also own her for helping me with a ritual last week, you can have it on the house." she smiles and Aaron nods and smiles back the girl wraps the staff in a protective cloth for them to take Summer following by him as they leave. When they reach back to the college campus Aaron gets out "We need to be careful that Katrina doesn't see it" He looks around "She goes here too, hopefully, she's in class I'll text Zenix just in case" he takes out his phone texting Zenix hoping he would know.

"Good she's in class" He held the staff which was wrapped in the cloth so no one else saw it, Aaron locks the car "Okay we're good to go" they both make their way back to the pack house "We need to wrap it some how..well mostly you because I have no clue how to wrap stuff" he laughs Summer smiles "I'll ask Kaitlyn if she's got any wrapping paper left, She was wrapping her gift when I went to borrow some clothes" Aaron nods and summers heads up stairs to Kaitlyn's room, knocking softly on the door "Come in" she hears Kaitlyn say, Summer pushes the door open Katelyn was on her bed meditating, "I'm sorry if I interrupted you.." she whispers, Katelyn opens her eyes "No I was just finishing off." she jumps off the bed "What did you need this time?" she stretches her arms "I was wondering if you have a spare wrapping paper we just went and got Katrina's present and we don't have anything to wrap it in also some makeup I could maybe borrow?"Kaitlyn nods and goes to her desk opening a draw "Any kind?" Summer nods and Kaitlyn pulls out some dark Orange wrapping paper "This good?" Summer nods again and Kaitlyn hands her the roll and a makeup bag "Thanks" Summer smiles and goes back to Aaron's room "I've got the stuff." Aaron pats the bed where the staff was laid " I'll stay out of your way so you can do your thing" He goes to take a shower while Summer wraps. When he comes out the staff was leaned against the wall all wrapped up perfectly Aaron smiles "Better than I could ever do for sure" he laughs "I'll let you have a shower too if you need" He goes to his desk to do some work  on his computer "thanks".

Summer goes and gets in the shower when she gets out she drys her hair puts some nice makeup on and gets changed then goes back into the room "What you up to?" she leans over Aarons's shoulder "Finishing off my literature essay"Summer smiles "I haven't even started revising for my chemistry test" Aaron laughs "Well you better get started because it gets a little rough later in the year if you don't." he turns around "I am done now anyway and its lunch for the pack in 5 minutes, come on if we're early we can get the good food first" They rush down the stairs together "I'm gonna get there first!" Summer laughed pushing the dining-room door open "Okay you won but only because you shut the hallway door on me" he smirks sitting down at the table where normally sat this time with summer next to him. When all the others finally came it was busy and everyone could finally go up and get their food "What are you having summer?" Summer looks over at Aaron's piled plate of food "Only a having a few mini sandwiches so I can actually eat when we go out tonight" she chuckles grabbing a glass of orange juice, then sitting back down at the table next to Aaron "Your not gonna actually eat tonight with a plate piled that high of mini pizza slices and little beef sandwiches" Summer rolls her eyes smiling, Aaron shoves in about three at a time "What I'm a growing boy?" summer could barely understand him from how full his mouth was Aaron "Did you even taste what you just stuffed in your mouth?" Aaron shakes his head as he stuffs in another three mini sandwiches "Your gonna have a stomach ache when we get back from the buffet, Eyes bigger than your belly for sure"  Aaron rolls his eyes swallowing. After lunch, they went back to his room "You wanna have a rest before we go, We've got a few hours till we can get ready." Summer nods and gets changed into one of Aaron's shirts and climbs under the covers "You gonna rest too?" she looks up at Aaron who was taking off his shirt "I-I'll take that as a yes" she looks away flustered, Aaron climbs under to pull the covers back over him "Ill wake you up when we need to get ready" summer nods and closes her eyes...

Okay that's all for today until next time goodbye... 🦊🥀

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