Fire In The Streets ~ Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

  "That's right.  The organization we were talking about is called Organization XIII.  It's a group of Nobodies like us, and our main goal is to get our hearts back.  There's a place called Kingdom Hearts, which is basically the collection of the hearts of all people and worlds.  When a Heartless is killed, that heart is released to Kingdom Hearts.  Our superior, Xemnas, thinks we can get our hearts back by slaying as many Heartless as possible until Kingdom Hearts is full."


  "How what?" Roxas asked.

  "How does releasing all those hearts to Kingdom Hearts until it's full give you your hearts back?"

  Axel looked slightly confused.  "Well, there's a..." he trailed off, uncrossing his arms.  He started again, "You see, it's like..."

  "What he's trying to say is...what are you trying to say?" Roxas said, looking just as puzzled.

  "It's...classified information," Axel said finally, not sounding very sure of himself.

  'It sounds like he doesn't know the answer...'  I thought.  "Alright then," I said, acting like I believed him, "how did the Heartless get here?"

  "That's what our mission was, to search this place for Heartless and find the source," Roxas replied.

  "And you can't tell a soul what we've told you, understand?" Axel said.

  "Why shouldn't I?" I shot back.  "It shouldn't matter if people know about all of this!"

  He laid a hand on my shoulder.  "Think about it, Raxmi.  If you tell anyone, what's to say they won't think you're insane?  I'd bet all my munny that nobody would believe your story.  Everyone, here and in almost every other world, thinks that the heart is just a muscle that pumps blood around the body.  No one except those with the wildest imaginations would ever be able to accept the fact that the heart has far more importance than that."

  "And let's say that they do believe you," he continued.  "It's human nature to panic.  The town would get worked up and arrest or even kill people that they'd assume have no hearts.  Some people might even uproot their whole lives and move away, thinking that they're escaping from the 'danger'.  Do you see what I mean?  You can go ahead and tell everyone, but before you do, think about how people will respond."

  "But we could easily stop you from doing that if we wanted to," Roxas added.

  Axel rolled his eyes.  "Thanks for that, Roxas.  Now she'll think that we're going to knock her out and send her to an abandoned, far-off location, never to be heard from again," Axel commented dryly.

  I laughed nervously.  "You wouldn't actually do that to me, though," I said, taking all this information in.

  The red-head looked at me in fascination and raised his eyebrows.  "Oh, really?  And what makes you say that?"

  Honestly, I'm not sure why I said that.  I don't trust him; in fact, all I wanted to do was to get away from these people.  'No, wait, they're not people.  Are they?'  My head was starting to hurt.  "I guess I just trust you," I lied, hoping that would get me out of this situation.

  He let out a laugh.  "Ya hear that, Roxas?  I'm trustable!"

  "No.  You're not.  Absolutely not," Roxas said firmly.

  Axel shook his head.  " better go, Raxmi.  Don't tell anyone about us.  And hey," he added, smirking, "we should meet up tomorrow, at the Central Station.  We might have more work for you."

{DISCONTINUED} Fire In The Streets ~ Axel x Reader (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now